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Canadian ambassador to France says that Trump’s throne can break the law of the whole world

The Canadian ambassador to France says that the US President Donald Trump to take in Greenland, saying “to respect the neighbors, you do not threaten your neighbors.”

Stéphane Dion, and a special messenger in Europe and the European Union, says the world’s sovereignty is not “normal”. Trump also continues to press Canada to be a 51 Station Station.

“He knows what international law is not the only attack on a neighborhood of the international law in the Charter of NN, it is threatening,” he said. “Therefore we argue.”

Dion spoke to reporters in Canada’s Embassy in Paris after being threatened by Trump after compulsory 25 percent of international aluminum, including its large supplier: Canada.

Dion said the Canadian government would answer if Trump managers made it highly in writing. TRUDEAU provides a talk on Monday at the Intellectual Intellectual Details in Paris in Poris – President JD Jes Yveny is expected to attend other international leaders.

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Canada and Europe try to find ‘a way of meeting’ to indicate that trading wars are bad to all, Dion said

Stéphane Dion, a Canadian ambassador in France, says when the Canadian and Mexico were first directed by the US Trainiff, Europeans know that they are at risk again.

Trump rescues his rhetoric resistant Canada.

The US President said the Canada was not a working country outside the US, and warned Canada no longer relied in Washington to military defense.

“The main paid of the battle, and the reason that they do not pay much to think we will protect,” says Trump. “Isn’t it a thought to do, because why we protect another country?”

Trump again recalled his desire to see Canada a 51 kingdom.

“If the Canada was not a practical world, show me an active country,” Dion said. “He is one of the best countries in the world.”

Dion dismissed Trump’s thoughts that in the US we need Canada protecting them, too.

“If you do not protect in Canada, it cannot be active US defense,” Dion replied a question from CBC. “We are all together, all together up to Ukraine. That is why you have a very important thing, so the key and we need to work hard on that.”

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TRUMP planning prices in metal, aluminum worldwide – including Canada

Since Prime Minister Justia Trudeau discusses artificial intelligence and strengthening the coalition, US President Donald Trump told reporters in all metal and aluminum entering the country, including products from Canada and Mexico.

Trudeau did not respond to the questions from the mines when asked to respond to the recent Comments of Trump before the night in Paris.

TRUDEAU visits a two-day installation of the artificial intelligence of French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Indian Narendra Modi.

The Trudeau will refer to Brussels near the meetings of EU leaders and have a secretary of Nato Mark Rette.

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