Worst Star Trek Movie Hides an Even Darker Secret

By Drew Dietsch | Published
How can you choose the worst Star Trek movie? There are many criteria by which you can judge. Are you going with the one you feel is too boring? What about the one with the worst plot? Maybe you should pick the one that effectively killed the movie franchise for over half a decade?
These are all valid scales by which to judge the worst Star Trek movie, but we must look at this decision with a broader and deeper lens. There are many reasons to call a Star Trek movie the worst of the bunch. Although some have been misunderstood, there are others who have received contempt. Is it Star Trek V: The Final Frontier a ridiculous vanity project with a climax worthy of ridicule? Maybe. Is it Star Trek: Nemesis a weak and flawed sendoff The Next Generation employees? Certainly.
But this criticism alone does not earn it the title of worst Star Trek movie. To achieve such a status would require a story that cuts to the heart of Star Trek’s hope and optimism. It would have to be mighty stupid in the architecture department, lazy and a little blasphemous in conception, and secretly contemptuous of everything Star Trek is supposed to stand for.
That leaves only one choice for worst Star Trek movie: Star Trek Into Darkness.
Worst Star Trek Movie Location
There are many deep reasons why Star Trek Into Darkness qualifies as the worst Star Trek movie, but before we really open this movie up, let’s examine the in-your-face problems and flaws with the film.
The immediate problem is that Star Trek Into Darkness he wants to rest Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khanarguably the fan favorite entry in the entire series. It’s not inherently bad when a movie remakes or reworks elements of a popular previous entry, but the way it is Star Trek Into Darkness its handles Wrath of Khan the parts are embarrassing.
Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance is somewhat grandiose and muted in the same spirit, not reaching the sweet joy of Ricardo Montalban’s iconic take on the character. Most shocking is the tone-deaf remix of the unforgettable “Khan”! screaming when Zachary Quinto brings his riff right now and it’s just… *sigh*.

It should be noted that the actors of Star Trek Into Darkness they do their best with a really bad script. JJ Abrams struck gold when he rebooted his series in 2009, but a good cast can’t sustain a story full of ulterior motives, jumping into a narrative that never ends when you think about them for a second, and a perfect voice that keeps fighting itself.
The subject Star Trek Into Darkness it certainly evokes the feeling of, “Oh, this Star Trek movie is going to be Serious Business!” That’s exactly what the movie wants you to believe, but its wild swings from facial expressions to goofball character contests are too jarring and jarring. The film never finds its tonal rhythm.
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Part of that reason is because Star Trek Into Darkness it’s chaotic when it comes to filmmaking.
Chaos Behind the Camera

When JJ Abrams took over the helm of the film in 2009 Star Trekhe infused a certain sense of manic action energy into the series. To be fair, the The Next Generation the films had found that in tone but their filmmaking styles remained strong. A big part of that was the fact that digital cameras hadn’t developed to the point where they could provide believable positioning and fluid camera movement.
However, that ability was there during ’09 Star Trek circled around, and Abrams took full advantage of it. Empowered by this choice of beauty and vitality, she turns it up to 11 Star Trek Into Darkness and it is unbearable. An onslaught of sound and visual pandemonium that ceases to function as storytelling.

But, that filmmaking choice wasn’t so great for the ’09 movie because it felt too in-tune with that movie’s tone. Star Trek Into Darkness‘ decision to try and be pessimistic while maintaining the visual language of a fun travel story adds to this tension.
However, all of these problems and more – the bad treatment of the villain, the appearance of bad characters, the problematic portrayal of the female characters – all pale in comparison to what really makes it. Star Trek Into Darkness worst Star Trek movie.
Star Tricks A Journey Into Darkness

When we talk about the worst Star Trek movie ever, we have to consider more than just what that movie does on its own terms. Star Trek Into Darkness it fails as a piece of sci-fi action cinema, but where it becomes abhorrent is how it relates to the history of Star Trek as an ideal and ideal.
Screenwriter Roberto Orci was able to use Star Trek Into Darkness as a symbolic vehicle for his sordid conspiracy theory about the 9/11 attacks. This may sound silly but the inclusion of a dedication at the end of the film to “post-9/11 veterans” redefines the entire movie.
The details of what was read in the movie are well documented elsewhere, so I won’t go into all of those observations. Instead, I want to emphasize why this particular part is what really makes it Star Trek Into Darkness worst Star Trek movie.

As a fictional concept, Star Trek is meant to represent the most hopeful possibilities for humanity. Yes, there have been serious episodes throughout the franchise that have tested the integrity of Star Trek’s ideas – including a very good episode Deep Space Nine – but it always came from a place of integrity and the heart of the world Star Trek wanted to build.
Star Trek Into Darkness it removes that hope and replaces it with irrational doubt. It denigrates Starfleet and the Federation by portraying them as an internally corrupt organization led by a leader who wants to escalate the war at any cost. It takes the heart out of Star Trek and replaces it with something so rotten that it’s impossible to even watch the movie without feeling sick.
It’s not that the world of Star Trek can’t deal with self-deprecating and dark stories. Deep Space Nine is my favorite Star Trek series, and a big reason for that is its willingness to hold a candle to the ideas and actions of the Federation and Starfleet. But, the creators behind Deep Space Nine they clearly have a deep, understanding love of Star Trek followed by great creators Star Trek Into Darkness don’t share. Instead, they’re exploiting Star Trek to sell a wrong worldview that’s bad in itself, but only gets worse when it’s broadcast in the Star Trek world.

And it is evident that this creative force is what led to this evil. Next, Star Trek Beyondreplaced the director and writers, resulting in the best reboot movies. And that film managed to convey a serious sentiment towards the Federation without resorting to a subtle political agenda.
This is the main reason why Star Trek Into Darkness it has to be the worst Star Trek movie. You can argue the fictional and technical merits of every other film, but none come close to representing something toxic at its core. If you like Star Trek, you probably like its attitude towards humanity and its belief that we can work together for the greater good. If you like Star Trek, you like hope. Star Trek Into Darkness it is hopelessly evil, vengeful, and immoral in the name of Star Trek.
If that doesn’t make it the worst Star Trek movie, I don’t know what does. I’ll take God Needs a Star over this any day.

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