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Women’s rights are attacked after 30 years after leaders adopted the BLUEprint equally, UN says

The United Nations (AP) – after three decades after world leaders adopted the equality history to get sexual equilibilities, the new national reports say that women’s rights and communities said.

The report was released on Thursday, the UN agency focused on women’s rights and gender equality found that an international government global reported the women’s rights in the last year.

Despite some of the progress, including girl education and access to family programs, the UN women say a woman or a girl is killed every 20% since 2022.

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“Around the world, human rights are attacked,” Necretary-General Antonio Tuerrers said in a statement. “Instead of standing equal rights, we see Misogyny broadcasts.”

He said the land must be strong in “the rights of human rights, equality and power to be truth to all women and girls, everyone, everywhere.”

189 countries who had attended the Bijing Women’s Conference for the Londmark announcement of the Londmark and 150 page to reach sexual equations, including women at high business, government and peace tables.

Also the first document of the Document is that human rights contributes women’s right to regulate and decided to “sexual activity, including their sexual and birthday, free.

The new review, including offerings from 159 countries, and UN women said countries have taken many steps to sex with women in the past five years but such rights facing growing threats worldwide.

On the positive side, the report said other 88 other countries had passed the laws of fighting violence against women and services established to help victims in the past five years. Many countries prevent discrimination at work, and 44% improved the quality of education and training for girls and women, said.

Sexual discrimination is deeply focused on energy, more powerful spaces and services to prevent women’s rights, the report means.

“The decline in democracy have been accompanied by a backlash in estimating gender,” said UN women.

It has warned that “Right-Right-holders attacked the spread of women’s rights” and want to prevent or reduce legal restraint and policy.

UN women said about 25% of countries reported that returning to gender equality disturbed the production of the Beijing platform.

According to the report, women have only 64% of the legal rights of men, and where the number of female legislature has doubled since 1995, three quarters of men.

UN women also claimed that women between the ages of 15 to 24 following the other party groups to reach modern family planning; Death measurements are always changed since 2015; And 10% of women and girls live in very poor families.

The UN Egency said the cases of a conflict of sexuality relating to 50% from 2022 – and women and girls were 95% victims of these cases.

The Director of Women’s scholars Sima Bahuus said based on the receipt of the report, an Agency welcomed the Roadmap to bring the land near the UN’s intention to 2030.

It requires a digital conversion to ensure equal access to technology for all women and girls; investment in social protection, including all health care and high-quality education to raise poverty; and zero violence addressed to girls and women. The Roadmap also has the power to make equal to the equitable decisions of women and services for “Gender-Recessitive Aid” in conflict and disasters.


Lederer was a leading AP journal at the UN5 Women’s Conference in Beijing.

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