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Women who spend the rooftop share the lessons they have learned

AT TIME Women of Losing Forum in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Amanda Nguyen, Astronaut and activist, said that many women in Schemes received sexual violence.

“In my case, I dreamed of being a nutrition, as being attacked,” said Hen, a 2022-year-old woman. “When I learned that my testimony would be destroyed, I had to make choices between my justice or dreams to be astronaut. And I put my telescope, and I rewritten the Law.”

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Nguyen – Who originally benefited from a nonprofit, supporting the survivors that the sexual attack kits are handled and signed by the Credit Barack Obama in 2016. Now, he is about to be in the first woman of Vietnam to go to the space. And you plan to bring something important with her.

“All Astronauts have a zero-g reference to the space. It is a little floating. It’s Nguyen said something special to me,” said Hen. “When I left the hospital after my rape, I wrote to promises: ‘Nevertheless, do not give up.’ And so I bore that, and I looked at that story to help me get Harvard.

Nguyen – a new reminder, To keep five, It comes out on the next week – the stage of Tshdish, Nazanin Boniadi – A producer, and activist in the Carin Guilianate, a seat and a chief executive. YEdeloitte Tax LLP, who is the first woman to lead Deleitte’s business budget for the year of the year’s leadership Deleitte). The emergence of the oversight of Time Peelly Kelly Center, women discuss the measures of diversity, equality and installation, the light of President Donald Trump recently during attempts. Libonadi spoke about the importance of representation, but also the risks of tookism.

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“For several years ago, I was privileged and respected by a member of the Motion Photo Academy Center, and I had a male friend, ‘Yes, a good time to you: You are a woman and a woman in color.’ And I thought: That was Jab in my heart, “said Boardi. “I felt that this was the summer, something to be proud, and I realized that there was a quota, looks at the box.”

He went on to say: “I don’t like that feeling.” Dei serves the purpose of putting a playyard, as we should. And backward to that, of course, is, it’s worth it? But we can certainly have a common industry based, but also involves diversity and variations, and I think that’s what we should work. “

Conniff asked Giilianentte about working in a male-owned place, and if he had students who help him in the ditch. Giiliananti replied that “blessed” in his work, especially to have a counselor named Ellen, helped him at many times – even unexpected.

“He was with me in size and little,” Gielianante said. “The day back to work [after 9/11]We were at the new office because our office was destroyed. I suddenly entered the office, and Ellen was my trainer and my delivery coach. “

He continued: “That real sense, he actually slaps a table in my whole field,” he continues. Giilialunte spoke about the importance of sponsors, as well as important. Sponsors’ say “They spoke of” your word, “” and your “table” is essential that women “have been joined together,” he said.

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Nibagasti also shared when he drew a liver, courage, and inspiration from: Iran women and “the valiant women of all.” “Mentorhsip comes in many different ways – sometimes having conversations, Iran are especially, daily, their health risks the best tomorrow,” he said. “To me, they are my teachers; they taught me every day.”

Conniff completed the conversation by asking Panelists that would be taken into account for their hypothetical masterclass. Giiliananti urged everyone to ‘be your greatness,’ and they help others to do the same, and we will all operate. Sometimes, you have to pull out the doors to the table. “And Gyen said the best lesson we would find us from her mother, a boater in Vietnam.

“You swim so I can fly, fall into the sea so I can touch the sky,” said Hen. “He was arrested in a tidal stage of tidal, his boat drowned. It was that I made one hand at a time – not thinking about the whole thread, but just to be the following courage, and the next, and the next one. “

“Lesson that you do not have to be bold and courage of your entire trip; you just need the next step, and the next step, and next,” said Hen.

Women of Year of Leadership Surrent Leadership,, Chase, Deloitte, American Heart Association, Toyota.

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