Women Alone Want the End of violence, unequality | Women’s News

Display from Buenos Aires to Elagos requires justice for those who are victims and advertisement to protect women.
Overseers have taken on the streets across Asia, Africa, Europe and Americans to mark International Women’s Day, and many want the end of sex derived and inequality.
In the cities like Buenos Aires, Argentina on Saturday, those warnings were particularly freely singing President Javier Milei’s strategies who said they would refresh women’s services.
Military government has shut the country’s country service, government and diversity and murder programs – Women’s Mismiss Name – from the country code. His Minister of Justice called the “distortion of the mind”, said it reflected the highest number of women’s life.
Reporting from Buenos Aires, Theresa their Teresa said the overseers said that transporting it was more dangerous and especially given to one woman being killed in 30 hours in the country. The UN report was issued last year and found that about 60 percent of women and girls were killed in 2023 by their close partner or close relative.
“Women here say they have been fighting for long, that they will never return, so that they do not keep quiet,” said Bo. “They said their fights is very important, so that they say they will continue their struggle on the streets.”
Hundreds of women in Ecuador marched in the capital Quito in the Quito-contrary signs of violence and “patriarch system”.
“Our daughters’ justice!” The overseers shouted to support women who were killed in recent years.
In Bolivia, thousands of women began to mark at the end of Friday, a specific graffiti on the walls of the position, which require their rights to be respected and avoid insecurity from disciplinary cases.

In many European countries, women also protest against violence, so that they can gain better access to sexual care, equal payment and other issues where men varies with men.
In Poland, activists opened the center across the Warsaw structure where women could go to the release of medical strategies, and as one or other women.
Opening the center of international women’s day across the Legislature was a symbolic challenge in Roman Catholic Chiefs, with one legislature of europe.

The protesters also took the streets in Madrid, Spain.
Some protesters grabbed the pornographic images, a French woman who was drunk by her husband in France during the tenth century so that she could rape.
Pelicot has become a symbol of women throughout Europe in the fight against sexual violence.

In the capital of Nigeria, thousands of women gathered in a Johnson, dance and singing and celebrating their male.
Many were wearing purple – traditional color of the women’s library.
In Russia, women’s day festivals had legitimate festivals, and respected soldiers brought yellow tulips to girls and women during celebration at St Petersburg.
In Ukraine, the City of Kharkiv was held to remember the soldiers from the dead and fought against Russia.
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