Will.i.am’s Fyi.ai Reveal Ai Personas in SXSW

At SXSW 2025Will.I.am.am Hyped Up Fyi.ai As the future of AI regimen.
As part of that Future, Will.i.am Releasing its Ai Personas Fyi.ai App at SXWOCKM’s SXWS Panel, “AI is a new UI,“On Tuesday. Gifted by Qualcom’s Snappon Processor, Will.i.am Wanted the purpose of these people to do AI is most relevant, give” the flavor and power “in different communities.
“This is not about returning culture,” said ..am during the panel. “It’s about development, giving people AI talking to them in a way that hears the environment.”
For those who are unusual, Fyi.ai AI powerful production app for IOS and Android, built by the creators. It helps to edit projects, hosting calendars, summarizing group calls, make calls, text messages, and more – really a digital helper that was intended to take some of your apps.
AI persons are part of Hiario.fyiThe new Fyi.ai feature imitates traditional radio experience with the selected content and AI conversion. Think Spotify Dj, but for the ability to discuss AI.
Bright light speed
During the Panel, Will.i.am introduced Ai Persona named “flows with Vibes,” intended to combine a black black wife. Instead of thought-out invasion, it sounded, threw lines like, “You know I should be real to you, always bringing it true,” and “Chaaa, doing.
You can see you around Mark 39:30 on the video.
Qualcomm and Will.I.AM clearly want to push the boundaries of the power AI. The idea of ​​ai competition for culture rather than the corporate, one size equivalent to all the way is amazing.
In his Qualcomm, Will.i.am works to remove himself as a key player in Ai, To extend his influence on a LG disfellowship In XBOOM speakers to call Jason wellolo as a Fyi.ai Ambassador ambassador.
This Color shows the author’s view.
Artificial intelligence