Christy Carlson Romano is accused of firing the eye on her husband’s birthday

Christy Carlson Romano.
Rick Kern / Pictures of Gentty USA KAARRINChristy Carlson Romano He is in trouble after he was shot when he tried to celebrate his husband’s birthday.
Romano, 40, recounted with Instagram that was shot in the eye on Friday, February 7, while shooting the pigeons in Texas as part of a man Brendan RooneyBirthday ceremonies.
“So I was shot,” the actor said, “The bullet hit her in the eye, resulting in severe harm.
“I am very happy for the first respondents around the whole,” continuing with the video. “I mean, they are superhero as just as superhero to take care of our losses.” He also gave a shout to hospital for Advan’s life in Austin.
Romano continued: “This is a bad thing tonight.” Everything is an end. But, I say I say that I was shot in the face and I lived to tell the story. “He concluded that,” Wrap every day. “

At his names, Romano explained that his birthday “there was a husband Rooney was shooting pigeons. He wrote: “Another group was fired in the wrong place and turned away from the other side,” noticed that Rooney was quickly entered into hospital, and he urged me to the hospital “after being shot after being shot.
“I was beaten in 5 places, one was under an inch to hit me directly with my right eyes,” said the Ital of Romanano. “Unfortunately Fragment is set in the back of my eyes and it is very dangerous to remove surgery at this time. The doctors will continue to look (I see usly right now).”
He continued, “Thanks, I can think about how I appreciate how thankful. I love my daughters, my husband, friends. 🙏. “
Several people have moved to the postal comment section to donate Romano their wishes. Actor Candice Cameron Bare Noted, “Who- I’m so sorry this is! Scary and happy you’re safe ❤️🩹,” while Bachelor in Paradise A person in a decent Jade Roper Tolbert He wrote, “Oh my goodness !! I’m so happy to be safe. How are you being terrified. ❤️”
Rooney, because, he noted by his wife’s mailing to his wife to admire the courage in all distress. “You are a bold, powerful woman, a lot of stoic and bassass I have ever met. Thank you very much to be alive,” said film producer. “Thank you so much that you are the mother in our children. I wouldn’t know what to do without you. I love you more than life itself. 🙏.