Education News

What do copyhip voters want higher ed

The Republican voters believe in the number of degrees in college but Hearbours are concerned about and call on the third national survey, and GS Strategy Group, Republican Group Group.

The 500 republic surveys find that most of the respondents, 63 percent, they consider 6 percent of the “traditional” schools. By comparison, 69 percent seize the good viewing of colleges and four years and universities, and 37 percent feel towards the profitability of profits.

At the same time, Republicans explore that the most needed changes in Ed Ed today are very reporting to the greater cash.

Many respondents, 87 percent, support the growing response of tertiary institutions. And many believe that government should play different roles to ensure that the principle is supported. Seventy and one percent acknowledge that the solar government should need to speak to institutions and findings based on their number. The same assignment believes that the Sourcals to prevent “the wicked characters” charge the students at low levels. And almost half the tax dollars dollars must be reserved to colleges that do not give enough restitution to investment.

For that conclusion, the Republicans support the Information Officer, which requires colleges that report details of information such as the full cost of the private and private education in the learners. Making a college is expensive, 81% allowed the Pelp’s grants, financial support for low-income students, and 79% support the public loan repatriation system and funding for student loan. About 70% allowed the lorres of payment, allowing students to be running at fraudulent institutions to release their student loan.

The report notes that many of these same policies are “considered to be cut as a budget.”

“As Congress looks when minimizing the budget this year, it is important to remember that voters do not want to reduce higher education but emphasize renewal for investing,” said the report.

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