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What are the rights of visas and others in the US in the US?

The Federal Government Card Withdraw the Columbia Graduate student and dismissed him of his involvement of the Pro-Palestinian students last year.

Mahmod Khalil was an outstanding negotiator representative of the student protesters in Columbia, one of the many campuses across the country that was prone to the war on the Gaza. Many protests were developed by the establishment of the Proper-Palestina students, such as the last time in UCLA, C Irvine, C Berkeley, C Berkird, Stanford, Stanford and San Francisco State.

Khalil, US residents permanently, were arrested on March 9 in his university-owned apartment for us to migrating to us. According to the media associated with the media, the agents claimed to kill the state department to return the Kalulul Visa. When the lawyer’s lawyer clarifies that he owns green cards, the officials said they returned it, too.

Khalil Ultimate Ultimate is not clear – his exile may have been coping while the court is looking at the legal dispute that affected secure speech. But the movement looks at the main President Trununga signed at the beginning of her time to extract and cancel visas for all the students of college campuses. “

The Government Secretary Marco Rubio was doubled in the media conference in the media conference soon after the arrest of Khalil, saying, “This is not about free speech. This is about people who do not have the right to be in the United States to start.”

Khalil’s arrest “no doubt sent chills to university communities around the country, and it has come up with the fears of university, especially those involved in Gaza [related] Political protests, “the ability, said Ahilan Arulanantham, the director cooperating in the center of the arrival law and the UCLA’s legal policy.

So what shields make non-US citizens participating in political performance? Here is for some experts.

The consideration of 1st amendment

Early lawyers and lawnical professionals say that every person who lives in the United States has 1st amendment right to participate in the renewal and political books, whether they have their protests.

To update a person’s green card, temporary visas or limited nature of their political activities would violate their 1 amplice, said Admantham.

“The problem is that it is very difficult to prove that what is happening and such ways of revenge is very limited,” he said.

Or the non-US residents have the right to protest, there is the risk of ‘the risk of something that can put your risk,’ as a miscarriage of misdemeanor or working with labor lawyer, with the legal and legal employee.

Rubio is addressed to this reason in his publishing words.

“If you apply for a student visa any entry visa in the United States, we have the right to deny any reason, but I think of the most beautiful elements and shine on what these schools do not go to the classroom,” he said.

“If you told us that’s what you intended to do when you arrived in the United States, we would never allow it,” Add. “And if you do it when you come in, we’ll take it out and get it out.”

Is your green card not spilled about participating in political performance, including protests?

Usually, no. But there are other doses.

Government does not have the authority to return your green card status because “a separate legal clause and under law is permanent.

Under Section 237 of the Immigration Act and Conducting City, the Green Cardholder may be subject to dismissal or marriage fraud, for example.

“In the context of protests, someone may be found guilty of destruction, assault and a battery with police or fight arrests to lead [the green card holder] Expulsion, “said Miosettti Tepecora, labor attorney and legal activity.

Pro-Palestinian tents are always quiet in other campaus and planning from violence from others, which leads to the law enforcement and the damage to university property.

In the latest Arulantham post, he pointed out that the Luxil’s case, the Supreme Court held that the government had released the most unpleasant citizen. “

“But the question is, If the government breaks the first amendment and wants to dismiss it, is there anything you can do to stop them?” He told the times.

What about the temporary student or faculty visa?

Government can bring back a temporary student or specialist visa and does not have to give a reason, Frulanantham said.

The student would have attempted to prove that the withdrawal was because of their Plistine work, which is hard to prove.

Another example of Arulantham offered when a student left at the spring in the break and tried to return to the US, the airport we can oppose the entry – and again, they need not give a reason.

This, too, it can be difficult to prove to the charges.

What about DACA receivers?

If you are the DACA’s recipient, you are at risk of your situation or tend to renew the renewal when convicted of three or more errors, Garcia said. Participation in the protest is not a plan violation.

“There are some more reasons, such as reasons related to safety, but the government will have to argue that your protest is enough,” says Arulanentham.

If snow comes from, how do your immigration shape protect it?

Legal experts claim that non-US citizens, regardless of their condition, have 4 rights rights, to choose not respond to questions or open their door without seeing a valid warranty.

ARulanantham’s disciples in foreign visits, temporary visa and DACA recipients are: if you have employment authority or other sectarian evidence, you must carry with you.

Students should not carry the documents showing that they were born outside the US, said, but instead indicates that they stay here for over two years. Government generally replaces that if you live here for less than two years, then you can be exiled without a migration Court hearing under the increase in speedy removal, he said.

Dark card holders should carry their green card.

The ice agents can ask people in a protest, for example, but tencora says it will not continue unless the “sensitive allegations of the person has no official condition.”

Tenecora and Garcia advises by sending your participation in a protest, because government can use it as evidence of linking to the event.

If the protester turns on violence, for example, there is some evidence when the government can use a picture or video and connect with violent guilt.

Both lawyers say that non-US citizens have the right to join the protests and other forms of peace. However, if you are looking for clearly understanding the accidents associated with it, they recommend consulting with a lawyer.

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