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Vision | 8 pieces of free security advice for security

This may be presumptuous, but it strikes me that the National Security Team can use some advice. I have worked with high leaders by using more management from both sectors. I have personally experienced how appropriate and skilled and skilled professionals behaved in these positions. Therefore, Vice President JD Vence; State Marco Rubio secretary; Security secretary Pete HegSeth; Tulsi Gabling, Director of Office National Intelligence; And Michael Waltz, National Security Counselor: After signing, other recommendations.

Military and citizens who are assigned you are very skillful and have a deep knowledge of your organizations and secular safety. They want to help you succeed. My staff would have kept me breaking the rules that seemed negative or distracted. If your employees know that you share military service information, the app available in commercial, and has not stopped, that is a major problem. I think they weren’t working. Mr. Waltz, the senior officials have not developed their discussion groups. That should be done by supportive staff – if so. I worked with many of our ancient leaders. Many had extensive combat knowledge, including unlike journeys with those on March 15 to direct the houtis. If they had notified the sign, it was used, or the type of communication was shared there, I can’t think they won’t intervene. This happens when despising technology.

You are all under regular checkups. The judgment of the American people are those who report to you and the rest of the world. Whatever you do can be reported about the media and recorded with a posterity. This is not about you – it’s about the acting office. You personally do for you in a nation when you behave helpless and unity. Emojis do not work. Using a signal signal is not experts. A child’s insults are used to show a journalist is not a practical thing. Airstrikes killing people is a critical business and should be treated like that. The authority to use armed forces in the United States is a modest and humiliating responsibility. Show your behavior and how you contact and that you can see that fact completely.

All members of the National Security Team have broad, protected and protected communications for them to support them 24/7, no matter where they are. In the case of Security Secretary, there is a National Army Command Center institution and Pentagon organization known as “strings,” where standing experts to set individual or group calls around the world. Such programs may support any experience associated with nuclear conflict. There is no good reason to ignore them.

They refuse to do anything wrong just won’t fly. You may deceive others in the community or supporters to think that he didn’t do anything wrong, or I could make sure that the lead people know better. Every uniform, all members of the Department of Communicity and everyone in our political services – people who take the lead – they know that what you do is very wrong. They also know that if some of them commit the same case they were fired or damaged. When Airman Jack Teixeira revealed the most sensitive information from its online friends, he was trying to please them. He wasn’t spy, just stupid and raw. He is dealing with years in prison for community cases and military court – the war.

The phrase I heard from time to time in the airport, “is not the power of one mistake.” That meant that we could make mistakes and, instead of being evicted, given the opportunity to read and move forward. My answer to that, “Depending on error.” This time, lucky (and the understanding of the journalist), there was no significant US military result from your safety. The rookie mistake is only possible for two months in your various activities, without experience with these high standards. That will make it more understandable. But if you want any opportunity to earn success, you must have your own for your self and will not return a mistake.

All the Meetings of the National Security Council or is known in the Standard and included senior military leaders, such as the Chiefs Chiefs or the opposition to opposers. I know that Genesi Q. Brown Jr., who was shot as the Chair of President Trump, had made sure any discussion was made of approved and relevant security channels. And I’m sure ADM. Christopher Gristy, the stuck chair, would have done the same. Why didn’t they have?

A group of people with this signal discussion may, without the President, the most addressed group of the Espionage on the planet. Our enemies will use all the methods available to test, including and especially to try to enter any trading devices or apps you can use. Never forget that second.

If there is one deadly sin of political appointment, it is the shame of the President. In all cases I can remember, political appointments have never been in the office for a long time. The current president may feel that much as you have served under, but I expect some of you to get closer even at the end. I suggest you take a more precautionary way.

All of you hold positions of great and awesome responsibility. Are your experiences and your skills until the activities you hold? If not, you are responsible for Americans and the President to accept this and tread aside. You might give the way a hard thought.

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