USA News

Video shows the US Coast Guade Rescue 3 stranded steaters from their boat

The video from the US Coast guards showed that three passengers were saved after their ship was divided into the fleet of Florida at the weekend.

The rescue work took place on Sunday after the shore guards were called to find three extremists on the island.

The family member of the former who had made them on the coast near 1 Morn Sunday that their last connection was at 8 PM on Saturday, and that they are at the 20-foot facility.

Spearwater-60-60 Blearwater Helikopta’s coastalist, in the green airway.

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The US Coast Guard saved three spam passengers on the weekend after their ship was broken on the Coast of Florida. (X / @ assGSOUSEAST)

The video shows employees who receive three missing boats are organized over their CAPSISED boat – all reported in good health.

Helikopta Commander Delitemer Delitemer PerKrokhopter Unit Aidiwor Fires for Li Fire

View a long passenger passengers

It was reported that the riders lost were lost by family member after they could contact them from Saturday night. (X / @ assGSOUSEAST)

Aircrew also received help from the ORER MYERS Beat Boat Credit Channel, which arrived at the scene and went safely by safety.

Then they were sent to emergency medical services at the coastal chocolate station.

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Coast Guard Boat Ceel

Coast Guard Crews are built and saved three extremists, Sunday, near Captiva, after their ship was compiled. (X / @ assGSOUSEAST)

“We were able to find the rescue Three Boiter thanks for the immediate contact with the security guard and went to Lee County Sheriff’s office,” said Warrant Officer Dennise Werre of Coad Guard Unition St. Petersburg in a statement.

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“Completes a Deloved and Deloved Program before out of the barrel is important. The floating strategies provide the first respondents with information as the intended method, and which safety equipment can be obtained.”

The authorities were not sure of what caused the boat to hold.

Stephny Price writer of Fox News Digital and Fox Business. It includes articles including lost people, killing, criminal crimes, illegal immorality, and more. Story advice and ideas can be sent to [email protected]

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