Business News

PM Modi’s US Visit US Building About World Total Strategy

Visiting Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the US will provide an opportunity to build in creating strong Indian strategies – to set up the best relationships around the world and have beneficial relationships in all sectors, said a formal statement.

The PM Modi will visit the US on February 12-13 in the Deputy President Donald Trump.

This is the first meeting between two leaders after President Trump taken from office by his second term.

Earlier, PM Modi visited the USA in June 2017 and held President Trump to visit the State in India on February 2020.

Two leaders spoke on the phone twice from November 2024 (November 6, 2024 and January 27, 2025).

In the first entry with the new management, the Minister of the US Jaishangar represents the Prempage of Trump’s opening. During the visit, Jaishankar met secretary Marco Rubio and participated at a meeting of foreign ministers in January.

During the Trump Administration Management, the Indian-Pacific District was considered the main place of foreign policy.

In the concert and Japan, Australia, the US and India and India reinforced the quadrilateral dialogue. Trump Administration earned a quad development from a high-quality quality conversation to the Ministers conversation. Under the Badden Administration Quad was raised at leaders’ conference.

India-USA Tie was raised in worldwide cooperation during President Trump’s visit in India on February 2020.

India has received more than $ 20 essentials of the US since 2008. Sorigin platforms are used including IC-130J, C-17, Apache, Chinook, Helico
India-US Defense Perense Cooperation MESSMATION May 2023.

India-US Defense cooperation based on “New India-US Defense’s Defense” Framework “that had been renewed for 10 years in 2015.

Defense cooperation is also in harmony and includes a typical country’s dialogue, military exercise and procurement.

Cultural cooperation is rich and manifested in various ways. India-USA was signing the first ‘mission’ of the building ‘on July 2024 to protect and reduce illegal trafficking.

The US also with the oldest 578 places to India since 2016.

USA is one of the most popular places where India students want to pursue higher education.

The Indian American society is one of the most effective and well-discovered communities in the USA.

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