World News

Ukraine is beating the Russian Russian strike in attacks of big drones

Ukraine is reported that he has hit a Russian oil and moscow.

Video Footage confirmed by the BBC shows a fireball climbing over the staff of the Ryazan region, south of Moscow, officials of Ukraine, which officials of Ukraine, which officials in Ukraine, which of Ukraine,

Russia said the 121 drones intended 13 districts, including Ryazan and Moscow, but not reported.

Elsewhere, Ukrainian authorities, they say three people were killed and another injured when the Russian Drone hit the Kyov District.

Andriy Kovalenko, the head of Ukraine to fight the Disform, said the telegram that a steering site at Ryazan was beaten, and Kremnuy factories in Byansk said Kyiv said it produces parts of things.

Bloggers in the telegram photograph sent with fire-burning and burning fire at the Ryazan center, covering 2.3sq) miles. A certified planning indicates people fleeing to the site in cars and feet as a fireball climbed the sky.

BBC Confirm Apple Pootge Used to find a twofold of fires in a dialogue. One video shows fire near the northern door, his area likened to a road building, symbols, and fence.

Some two videos show a great fire on the east side of an analyst, about 3km (1.6m) away from the first. The area is identified by matching trees, pylons, road and road structures.

The Russian News Agency Agency Cosuser pointed a statement at Kremthoy, the project was suspended after the attack on six drones. Pavel Malkov, District Emperor, said emergency services.

Kremlin agreed to this attack but did not talk about damage or injury.

It is reportedly spent 121 Ukrainian drones, including six over Moscow region, 20 years of region of Ryazan, along with the number near the webryansk border.

Sergei Lobyanin, Mayor of Moses, said city air protection would be inclined to attack by Ukraine CRones in four areas.

He said air protection in South Eastern Colom Nature and Ramenskoye also fired drones, without specifying how many drones. He said there was no damage.

Russian news agencies quoted Rosaviya, Federal Aviation Agency, saying two aircrafts in Moscow, see, restarting the aircraft after stopping jobs. Six flights are directed to some airports.

In the city of Kursk, the Igor Kuthasak said the attacks that all night injured power and electricity was cut to one region.

In Ukraine, officials said to protect his spirit and spend 258 drones presented all night by Russia.

The Ministry of The Ministry said the debris from one of the drones killed two men and a woman in Ghakhakha, the Khakha region, and that the other person was injured.

The Justice Department in Russia appointed Olga OLGA of BBC Russian, “foreign author”.

Ivshina, based on London, is a fourth BBC journalist to be appointed by Russia since the full attack of Ukraine in February in February 1922.

Last week BBC Russian’s Anastasia Thereva, the organizer in Riga, Andrey Kozenko, is added to London.

Those who have been named as foreign agents are forced to note any online content available in Russia as from the Foreign Agent, and to share financial information. Failure to compliance can result in the prospects or even imprisonment.

BBC spokesman said the organization “refused and would challenge”.

“The role of the BBC News Russian issues, is independent and impartial, has not been needed to ensure that they can continue with the Russian-speaking audience.”

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