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Trump gets middle marks in the best American news, reers / Ipsos polls find

Jason Langeo Nobo Erickson

Washington – Americans give President Donald Trump Marking Marking and attempts to reduce the economy and achievement of some of the first designs, such as proposals / IPSOS polls.

Voting, made on February 13-18, inquiring over 4,000 adults across the country even if they support a variety of trumps and the problems that can motivate them to vote in the future. Results point to Trump that puts a great deal of policies for many Americans who don’t like, or they don’t think too much.

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The wave of long-term frustration helped Trump Trump to conquer in November, along with the majority of respondents – the IGHTS – said the inflation would be a major factor in the coming votes. But only 32% admitted in Job Trump did in inflation.

Economic evaluation of ranking households this month at a very low level of over a year, according to a widely followed research by the University of Michigan.

Only 25% of respondents – and half of the Republicans – said they supported Trump’s view that the US government took Gaza and returned to Palestines elsewhere.

“I thought that he was the idea of ​​misconduct,” Willard Moore, Republican lawyer in New York City participated in Poland, referring to Gaza’s proposition. “If you have done, a lot of money will cost, and finally you would be with you, some kind of rest?

The notable part of the 2024 voters have broken the original acts and ideas. About a third of the Trump voters oppose the application to eliminate the eyewitness and one in five they argue with his or her management to eliminate diversity, equity and installation.

Americans look at the push of Trump to reduce the important government, but they are widely separated from the group line on the group. Sixty percent of the respondents called the document called the Department of Public Service to reduce the use of the spending, leading by Elon Musk, will influence their votes in the following Federal elections – 2026, where the democrats will want to overcome control of Congress. But only 42% of the country supports effort and 53% oppose.

“You just drink a little bit. “I love what he does but I think much he says is just BS. When he first talks about Greenland’s annual and Annexing Canada, he knows that just smoking.”

Education Concern

Trump’s phone to end the Department of Education – the movement that may require Congress support – combined with extensive opposition, and 65% of the general respondents will end.

“I have a baby in showing, and I have a comfort to offer to school children with Autism. “I will not have the right resources to help my child be the best person to occur when it is time to attend public schools.”

Musk’s expenses, however, is popular among Trump supporters nine percent ninety and maga fans returning with Musk-LED effort and 78% can be “very motivating” or “inspiring” to the next elections.

The same part of the Core Mago voters decides to enhance the dismissal of illegal emigrants to vote. It is a problem in the center of Trump’s Presidential campaign last year. For all the Renders in Reuters / Ipsos Polls, over half – 55% – increased expulsion supported, compared to 41% of opposition. But Trump’s performance in receiving acceptance is less than half of respondents – 47%.

Trump also received integrated marks in his proposed taxes, especially in Canada. 5 percent and nine answers, including a quarter of the Republic, reject this view.

“I fought such things as choices against Canada. Why do we choose a war with Canada?” Said Todd Wellman, Republican at the age of 49 years of Indianapolis, who wrote to anger now – where President Jd Vence said just as his or her choice of President November.

Despicable to Trump, he would prefer her to Democratic Premonresiorer and added Trump: “I support how she is trying, but I do not support His ways or how to do it.”

The POLL tested 4,145 for US adults across the country and had a 2 percent margin.

(Reporting by Jason Langeo Nobo Erickson; Organizing by Scott Malone and Deepe Babington)

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