A French police officer ordered to pay a thousand euros of a woman who was shocking to sexually abusive

A French police officer instructed to pay a thousand euros, or about $ 1 000 after describing a woman who sexually abused a “harlot” said the source in the Saturday.
In the case that aroused anger in France, the woman, and lodes a complaint at the Polarian police station on February 2022, saying it was hit on the road after several drinks at night.
The men’s police officer drove later on the phone to ask him to finish the papers. After leaving a message – he thought he had made me naked – and began insulting, he called him three times.
The case stimulated anger from the stools, which indicates how many police officers were treated victims of sexual violence.
French figures in 2017 show that more than 80,000 adult women faced rape or attempted rape within the country but only included 10% files, the media said.
But as many countries around the world, the #metoo movement moved social change and this government in recent years. The number of reported cases of sexual violence has doubled from 2016 to 2023, according to the French French newspaper.
With little comment, France was the interior minister, Gerald Darmann said a 33-year-old police officer should be fired.
A police officer faces a charge of “non-community experience”. But the French court wiped a criminal officer of crime on January 2024. During the trial, the policeman apologized and he should ask Daranninin to continue his work.
The woman then complained about the decision, asking the judicial authorities to see the officer’s misconduct.
By Jan. 30, the Paris of the PARis Counseling Court The woman said the police officer had to pay for a thousand euros, according to the decision of AFP.
The chief of police apologized repeatedly in his words, but they insisted that they were simply talking about his provocation.
In their decision, the court found that “the word ‘laute’ (harlot) was offended several times to anger and was the core, the complainant).
A woman’s lawyer Arie Agonya said it was necessary to “walk all the way” to draw attention to “those who were victims of sex and sex and police victims”.
The police lawyer did not immediately respond to the request of comment.
In the most recent state of sexual violence, former husband of Gisèle PelicotHe admitted to drug injuries and raped him nearly ten years and invited many more men to attack him, found guilty of rape.
Forty-nine men brought by Dominiinininiininininininininininiqe Pelicot in his home to meet his wife and find guilty as part of the same country case.
The Pelicot’s case promotes protests throughout France, and there was hope between some overseers that the case has led to changes in the opposing French rules.
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