Toronto Man Helped Iran bring used sanctions using 3 ownership, CBSA reveals

On paper, ameen CAN a 37-year-old bank specialist with business degree and Condo in Thornhill, Okt.
But that is who he is really latest.
In the exile in Toronto, Canadian Border Services agency (CBSA) revealed Iranese citizens of Irana using less than three words for the rest of his life.
He arrived in Canada as Amin Youselffijam and before that He was Amin Riki. It also emerged that he was Tehran police Lieutenant during military force.
The CBSA authorities said that he was legally in his name on Mayario in 2022 – without being disclosed that he was guilty in Iran by helping Iran the heel.
New information about the fact that its identity appears last week at the arrival of the arrival of subscribers and the hearing of the refugees that will determine that it should be returned to Iran.
Authorities of Canadian’s publications want to dismiss her for her role in the roles of Iranians
By shipping the most impairment machines in Iran, he emphasized Canada’s efforts to contain the risks caused by the Muslims, CBSA.
The Resident of Toronto had an impact on “Canadian safety in Canada in relation to terrorism and nuclear weapons,” according to CBSA report.
His actions are “directly” in the Canadian government policy in the power of the powerful authority in Iran, head “axis” including Hamas, Hezbollah and Yemens’ Houtis.
The case comes as the state government is under pressure to protect members and supporters of the oppressive Irani regimen to use Canada as a safe place.
Amin YouSefijam outside the IRB office in Etobicoke, ONT., FEB. 26, 2025.
Worldwide News
When he heard, he testified that he was born to be born, but he officially changed his name at Amin Youself in Iran before arriving in Canada in 2016.
When CBSA asked if he could do so concealing the past, he replied: “That is your opinion.”
He just did not like the way the name Riki was heard, and you are a very well-planned name. “
Like Yousefjam, he was arrested in Toronto on January 2021 for us billing charges that send critical goods to Iran for breaking the law.
He was arrested in Canada 10 months before his departure in Michigan, where he spent more than a month in custody, agreed to the case and sentenced to the time.
Asked by CBSA if he knew that urgency was meant to admit his role in his industry, only he applied for a guilty basis because it was a quick way to resolve the issue.
He emphasized that “it was not the acceptance of the case.
After his conviction in November 2021, you were not returned to Ontario, where he had almost applied for his name in Amen Cohen.
In his Octario exchange form, he hit the box “No” to answer the questions that he had had a criminal record in Canada or elsewhere, said CBSA.
Yousefijam testified that he drove the Public Government’s knowledge of Ontario and was told that he had to expose beliefs in Canada. He said he was examined again recently and received the same answer.
By following his testimony, however, world news also drive the Ontario government but was told the beliefs had to be disclosed.
“The disclosure of criminal beliefs in both Canadians and other partitions are required,” Joey Wu said the Department of Public Service and business delivery.
The word change form warns the applicants, “It is a critical criminal under the Criminal Code in Canada to make a false statement.”
Yasefijam denied that he was trying to hide his past and said he changed his only name because his surname was too long and grew proudly.
He said he chose the name Cohen because he had the English and Persian roots. “This was a personal decision I made,” he said. “I’ve taken the name that was very planned.”
His brother Arash Yousefijam was found guilty of destroying conspiracy and changed his name by Aurash Cohen. He told the world’s news doing that because “we want to start a new life.”
Under the name Aurash Cohen, he became an Ontario Dentist but was sorted by his last license that he had to disclose his criminal records “in any law” by dental register in the province.
The Ontario Government said it was considered in the name of their Change the Plan of Brethren.
“The power to change the person’s name should not be a loophole of avoiding justice,” said the name of the name of the change.
“Allowing criminal offenses to hide their ownerships is only the integrity of our justice system but also a major risk in our communities.”
The Iranian Guide Anyatollah Ali Khafanei lists the nation’s song as the Air Former officials, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 7, 2025. (Eranld’s Sukor Office with AP).
CBSA introduced its case against Youthjajam within two telephone hearing days before the Board member who will determine whether it will issue an exile order.
In response to questions asked for two CBSA officials, you of YouSephijam said you had participated in the relative forms of his brother Arash, Mphuna, Mrananese explained as Chenpiracy leader.
He said his brother just got married and was busy at the time, he asked for the Sefijam to eat on the food side. “You asked me to get a good price, basically, moving,” he said.
He was close to his brother and took it as “the obligation to help him go out,” he said. But later he did not know where his brother lived, and they spoke only about video discussions.
Yousefijam rejected any work information and said that his role was limited to sending emails, first when it lasted in Iran and later in Canada, after arriving in a permanent residence visa.
Building items were originally sent to the United Arab Emirates and dropped to the transport to Iran – CBSA officials were often used to avoid avoiding sanctions.
While with MBA, Yousefijam said it was not familiar with international commands and spending principles until the work of the bank in 2018.
IRB is expected to rule over his expulsion of this summer.
Image of Mahsa Amadi Erally Fight Norally Regime, Washington, DC Oct. 22, 2022. (AP Photo / Jose Luis Magana).
The Canada started to crack in Iran in 2022 to respond to Kingdom pressures that were protesting against the arrest and murder of Mahsa, which was targeted to show his hair in the community.
Pressing Tehran, the government banned the senior Iranian officials and the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps from the country while swearing to be withdrawing of them.
Since then, CBSA pointed 18 officials accused of senior birthday in Canada in Canada. The IRB has issued orders for exile contrary to the last long, Ked Salman Saman and Majid RanMoney.
But IRB has stopped chasing two others, and CBSA had dismissed his case, Elham Zandi, official said on Monday.
Or IRB or CBSA will explain why.
To Jan. 28 A foreign report, Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue wrote that members of the public told his Iranian officials “living openly and freely in Canada.”
The Irasian Empire “wants to make the influence of Canada because there is a large and educated diapora of Irania,” a Witness, whose name was not madeup, told the question.