First header systems cannot access allowances after Trump’s release

Many of the headaches begins across the country – including at least six million in California – Find the delay in finding the repaid fees and costs per week because Trump administrators announced ice on the organization.
Institutions, which are completely dependent on the Federal support to provide child-ear-income careers, thrown last week, where the management office and the budget announces snow sweeping with Feedping. The White House later specified that the headset would not be affected by Freque, and OM was in a memo after temporarily blocked by the organization judge.
Nevertheless, the growing number of heads began receivers, the edge of the razor-razor-thin, and reported to find allowance allowed, according to the National head starting ASSN. While many of the main sectarian programs have not met the greatest interruption, others do not have any other option but to shut down services for access to other financial resources to close its departments, the organization said.
On Thursday – 10 days after the Federal Freeze announcement – The Society said at least 52 programs in 22 in areas, DC, and Puerto Rico still the case of financial delay. Applications, which apply to 20,000 children from 5 years of birth, report finding “the prevalent messages” or “processing” messages when requesting money from online payment system.
They include our community-based journalism as we care for children, Kindergargen, health and other matters affecting children from AGE 5.
“Without speculation skills, you buy the food needed to feed the children, and to meet the paid, all our jobs are in our care,” said Khina Vinci, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Head. “We encourage President Donald Trump and the leadership of the Department of Health and the Services of People to deal with the challenges that lead to unnecessary delay in support.”
From Tuesday, Melanee Cottrill, the Chief Director of the Start California head, said at least California programs based on California faced the delay. By living, those programs use 884 people and serve 3.856 children. At least one system in Los Angeles County – with 250 employees and 1,400 workers – were on sealing, “It means a big problem,” she said.
That program, and each other, since you received payments.
The first central programs are required to spend money within three days of receiving, so they often gather their bills and then there or twice a week to pay for it. Usually, the mile of their bank account is one day. But since the Federal Copyzile, programs are waiting for 5 to 7 days for money.
“Our programs have debts, and they do not have any money to pay,” said Cotrill. Small programs in particular are often a financial cushion and are not seriously innocent and interested, which are not allowed to use the headache to pay, risk them financial. The first head programs for the head throughout California apply for about 90,000 children and employ 25,000 workers.
Several programs in other countries are temporarily closed due to delay. In addition, the first government office is stored inside the Department of Health and the Services of the Human Resources, which Trump Managers are restricted from social networking, Cotrill said. “We don’t get the guidance we usually do, and we leave the wind trying to find out what happens.”
The Los Angeles County Office of Education is a great way to start the first Varionee in the region and princes in school circuits and independent benefits to serve children and 8,000 families. Recently, a 10 billion’s billing application was delayed on Sunday, said Luis Bautista, director of the Head Head of Head Headship and early study period.
The County Office has enough places to keep their plans run, but not so many head power begins, usually for small agencies, he said.
“In a minute you tell them, ‘there is no money,’ even after a few days or weeks, perhaps they have to think about closing their departments.”
Jocelyn Tucker, a help director in early Child Education Inc. Pasadena, working 500 children, said she had no delays but said there was still a sense of “widespread uncertainty” in her system.
“Everyone is nervous and everyone edge asks what will happen. And parents. The head works for the lowest earned families. What else is there?” Said Tucker. “Tucker said. “Parents need to get rid of their children to go to work. If no children will go, they cannot go to work or pay their bills. It is a result of the snowball.”
This article is part of the Times’ youth education education, focusing on the learning and development of California children from 5-year-old children. For more information on its LIFF Currents, Go
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