Education News

Time to Stop Learning Styles

Learning styles are everywhere. It is the idea that each student has a stable, consistent way of taking in, organizing, processing, and retaining information, and that by teaching using the student’s learning style, they will learn more. If someone tells you that they are a “visual learner” or that they didn’t understand a presentation because they are an “auditory learner,” that refers to learning styles. One study found that more than 90% of teachers in five countries agreed that students learn better when they are taught using their learning style. But that doesn’t mean this is best practice.

The most common learning styles are VARK:

  • Visible
  • Hearing
  • Reading and writing
  • Kinesthetic

Therefore, based on the theory of learning styles, if I were a “visual learner,” I would learn better when presented with information in a visual format (pictures, maps). But if I were an “auditory learner,” I would learn the same information better when told or explained. This would be great if the research supports it. And from now on, research is not just. In addition, relying on learning methods can limit the way we think about teaching and learning.

Why it’s time to move away from the learning curve

The idea is tempting, but it’s time to move on. Yes, students have preferences and every student is different, but that doesn’t mean they have different learning styles. Here’s why we need to step back from the learning curve:

1. There is no research base to support it

There is not enough, empirical evidence that learning styles a) are a thing and b) that using learning styles improves student achievement. When learning trends go through the research wringer, it doesn’t stop there. Simply put, teaching a particular learning style does not improve academic outcomes.

2. Learning styles are difficult to measure

There is no single definition of learning styles. In fact, more than 50 learning styles have been proposed, including a “mobile phone” learning style. The large number of definitions makes it difficult to read. When we are tested for learning styles, what we reveal are our reading preferences, which are subjective and often inaccurate. And many teachers use different methods in the lesson, so distinguishing a particular learning style is difficult to do in the classroom anyway.

3. The way we choose to learn changes over time

It’s easy to poke holes in the theory of learning styles when you think about how we learn different tasks. We are all kinesthetic learners when we try to learn to ride a bike. Learning styles change depending on what we study—we may enjoy reading history from a book but prefer visual models when studying geometry. And if learning styles change depending on the subject, they are useless. How can we organize education if the learning style chosen by the student is always changing?

4. Learning styles are very easy

Learning styles assume that students are passive, waiting for the information of their learning style to come their way. But the best learning happens when students are engaged and able to connect new learning with what they already know.

What do we do instead?

All this to say, learning styles theory is a myth. So, what do we focus on instead?

1. Focus on what works

We expect some similarities between students. For example, there are basic aspects of the brain that are common from student to student (how the brain works short-term or long-term memory, for example). And we know that certain educational methods work, regardless of learning style. For example, phonics instruction is the best way to teach students to read, regardless of reading style.

Read more: How to Find Out If the Latest Academic Research Is Legitimate

2. Model, lead, test

To be able to do something new, we need to see it done right, be guided by feedback, and practice it ourselves. Yes, this is the essence of direct teaching, but how many things are taught, whether you are teaching yourself to knit using YouTube videos or teaching students to isolate a strand of DNA in the lab.

3. Separate

We all have preferences, and some students will have specific learning needs. Break up instruction to provide different entry points into the topic, and different ways for students to engage with the content.

Read more: 35+ Different Instructional Strategies and Examples for K-12

4. Use selected boards

We are teachers

As studies of learning styles tend to be self-reported, what we’re really talking about is what we like. I love reading, but am I a learning style reader? And I want all my knowledge to come to me in books? Will turning on subtitles increase my reading? That’s not the case. Use choice boards to let students self-direct their learning according to their interests, without worrying about learning style.

Read more: Free Choice Board Bundle

5. Focus on maintaining attention

We know that learning requires students to pay attention and engage with one thing for a long time. Providing more opportunities to engage with content leads to more learning. And that experience can vary, from teaching to reading to listening.

6. Engage the brain

Bring multiple approaches to learning so students can fully engage and make connections between what they know and new information. For example, providing images and sound, as a good PowerPoint presentation does, uses more of our brain and helps students retain more information.

7. Build relationships

Focusing too much on learning methods leaves out the role of teacher and student. Learning is complex, and much depends on the interaction between the teacher, the student, and the content.

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