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This man feeds so much butter, cheese, and a cholesterol out of his skin

What can go It is wrong with eating too much cow, cheese, and butter sticks? Yes, for one thing, your cholesterol levels can reach such stratospher levels starting the lipids that start from your blood vessels, building yellow bumps on your skin.

That was the disturbing story of Florida from Tampa Hospital with a three-week branch, yellow and his feet. His case was published today that perverted Cardiology.

The man said he had been in its chat, told doctors to accept “carnivore food” in the eight months before the previous one. His food included between 6 and 9 pounds of cheese, butter sticks, along with the daily hamburgers with additional oil. As he took the growing food program, his weight decreased, his growing levels, “his mind improved.

At that time, his cholesterol level exceeds 1,000 mg / DL. In the same condition, the total cholesterol level is less than 200 mg / DL, while 240 mg / DL are considered a “higher.” Cardiologists noted that before moving to his fatty diet, his cholesterol was between 210 mg / DL to 300 mg / DL.

The heart experts find this man with Xanlalasma, the situation where lipids are beyond blood flow from blood vessels and formulid lipid deposits. Lipid survivors were commonly taken by navigating white blood cells called macrophages. However, in cases by Xancasma, the number of lipids is too large in macrophages, turning fuel cells with excess cholesterol, leading to visible deposits.

Such deposits are usually seen around the eye (a state of Xalalasma Palpebrarum), which is often overwhelmed by lipid victims, such as family hypercholestilemia. It is considered that the continuous glaciation of the human life can eventually reduce the capillaries in this area, which allows Lipid Beepage. However, while this can be the most common introduction of the situation, the lipid deposit can occur anywhere in the body.

Yellow yellow pubs are considered by patients’ palms (a) and elbows. B, encrypted view of palm wounds. These wounds are associated with Xanlalasma, which are likely to be caused by severe hypercolestolemia associated with high-fat carnivorire food.

Photo: Jama Cardiology Muntac24, Marmagkiolis et al.

Xountainhasma – especially xancasma palpebrum – it does not always be associated with high cholesterol and the risk of heart, but having the highest cholesterol associated with the coronary heart disease.

Study study does not provide details of this man’s vision. However, the authors wrote that the case “highlights the impact of food patterns in the lipid levels and the importance of managing hypercholestolemistia to prevent problems.”

This story at the beginning appeared ARS Technica.

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