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The woman makes a small electric car his home

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The woman makes a small electric car his home

People make all kinds of interesting things and their cars, but one woman picking up a three-wheeled car and turned her into a house is one of the terrible things we’ve seen this week. That woman, walking in “Janet Colby” on Tiktok, has reached millions of viewers as people marveled at his small home in the wheels.

Riding giraffe in the Pickup truck is gone with a virus.

From the outside, his ride looks like any KEI car you can see in Japan or other parts of the pacific rim. But when he has opened the door, you can see the interior, the lights on the roof, added lights in, pillows, curtains, curtains, a threatening table. There is a portable heater of the cold moments of the year, but we don’t know what you do when it is hot in summer.

You even added the projector-down Projector screenshead behind the windstorm, allowing him to look inside the movies within a small ride.

One can say that a small EV is a “comfortable” home at home, although without cooking the food inside, use the bathroom, shower, or do other things at home. Something like this may work on the road trip, but clearly this is the full-time woman’s planning.

We ask if you actually live in a car or if this is a certain idea for viewing. His first video, loaded on November 26, 2024 shows the EV when the brand new, so it is possible that you have been living for a few short months or find a good way to get online attention.

While Janet Colby has a few opposers in Tiktok, some have produced safety problems with his lasting arrangements. After all, the car does not give the same kind of privacy and a house protection to make a house.

Some comment on how you often show that a small EV is parked on the outskirts of a lying city, obviously “and less than secure. We could think that staying in your car in the internal city would be a big risk, but many awesome fun movies receive rural settings for a reason.

Photo by Ellowheels_0 / Tiktok

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