The total inflation increments 2.38% in February as food items receive a charge

Wholesale Interection Index Index (WPI) risered by the notch into a 2.38 percent in February, from 2.31 percent of vegetables and drinks, according to government data issued on Monday. In comparison, WPi’s inflation was standing with 0.2 percent in February 2024.
The Ministry of Serclosure and Industry reported that inflation has increased high amounts of food items, meals, non-food, other production, and fabrics.
– Inflation for food food food products to 11.06 percent in February.
– Vegetable oil prices increased by 33.59 percent.
– Drinks have appointed a minimum of 1.66 percent trips.
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Depreciations of vegetables, cooling petrol
While the total cost of total increases increase, vegetables are reduced, potato prices are higher from 74,28 percent in January to 27.54 Percent in February. In the meantime, petrol and power team continues to record uncleanness, even though a reduced rate of 0.71 percent of 0.71 percent in February compare with 2.78 percent in January.
Consumer inflation, as has been deducted by the Consumer Price (CPI), lowered the air of 3.61 in February due to food prices, according to the details.
Monthly movement in months of WPI
Primary stories
– Preestimay Articles is postponed by 1.74 percent to 186.6 February from 189.9 in January.
– Earnest prices falling by 2.05 percentage, crude gasoline and natural gas by 1.46 percent 1.26 percent by 1.26 percent, and 0.36 percent.
Fats and power
– Petrol and power index increased by 2.12 to 153.8 percent in February from 150.6 January.
– Electric values ​​increased by 4.28 percent, and mineral oil prices are 1.87 percent.
– Coal prices were stable.
Products made
– Reference for products produced was up to 0,42 percent to 143.8 in February from 143.2 January.
– Prices in the 17 of 22 stages, such as food products, basic instruments, non-indicators, and chemicals, are increased.
– Prices descend with wood products and skin products, but three categories did not change.
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WPI Food Index is decreased
WPI food index contained food articles and food products made from 191.4 in January to 189.0 February. WPI Food Index The year of inflation was reduced from 7.47 percent in January to 5.94 percent 5.94 percent in February.
The final price index 2024 stood by 155.7 at an increase of 2.57 percent before the anniversary. New information on inflation tendencies in all parties of the goods may be seen in fonds issued by the service.