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The River ‘Died’ All Night in Zambia after the waste of China

Ekithwe, Zambia (AP) – Authorities – Authorities of Zambia are afraid of the long-term mining influence of a large river and can affect millions of people after contamination of 60 miles.

The spill does happen on February 18 when Day Fualing holds acidic waste from the bronze mine in the North Country collapsed, said the investigators from the engineering of Zambia’s engineer.

The collapse allowed approximately 50 million liters of waste containing combined acids, melted solids and heavy metals flowing to the Kafia River, the most important center in Zambia, said engineering center.

“It is a tragedy indeed natural effects,” said Mumba, a natural activist at the province of Zambia, working at Zambia Copperbelt.

China is a prior imminent player in Zambia, a South African nation between the average 10 Presidentufacturers, important component in smartphones and other technologies.

Zambian President Hakainda Hakafema asked for assistance for experts and said it was leaking threatening humans and wild animals and 1,500.

Authorities still investigate the significance of environmental damage.

The river died all night

The Associated Press reporter visiting the Kwafue River sections, where dead fish can appear in about 60 miles from the Metals Leach China Vonomels Homels Homels Homels Homels Homels Homels Homels Home.

The Department of Water Development and Sanitation said “the harmful effects” and included the destruction of crops in the river banks. Authorities are concerned that the ground water will be contaminated as mining waste moves into the world or set in other locations.

“Before 18 in February, the living and living river said,” Sean Corneliosi said, who lives near the fish died and the fish to death near him disappeared. “Now everything is dead, like a completely deadle River. Unbelievable. On the night, the river died.”

About 60% of 20 million people live in Kafue River Basin and depend on the fishing resource, watering agriculture and water water. The river supplies drinking water to five million people, including the capital, Lusakakas.

Acid acid leak resulted in the total cost of water supply in the nearest city of Kitwe, at home for about 700,000 people.

Efforts to Return This Distribution

The Zambian government has sent power at Air Force to throw hundreds of tons of lime in the river to strive for acid and return damage. Quick boats too have been used to climb and down the river, using Lime.

Government spokesman Cornelius Mweetwe said the situation was very serious and we have weights and we have weights and they will carry products.

Zamang Peiwen, Chairman Metals Leach Zambia, met with government ministers this week and apologized for acid waste, according to his company released by his company.

“The disaster has a large alarm of sin-metals Leach and the mining sector,” he said. He said he was “going to go out to restore the affected area as soon as possible.”

To satisfy me with the presence of Chinese

The environmental impact of the major interests of China majorities in the African Nineral Thanes, including Zambia Congo neighbors and Zimbabwe’s neighbors.

The Bronze mines are accused of ignoring the safety, workers and other laws of evolution as they strive to control its contributions, which leads to their attention and neglect. Zambia also weighs $ 14 billion in Credit in China and had to reorganize some of their loans in China and other nations after paying a fee by 2020.

A minor acid acid from one of the Chinese-bearing minerals were found after the Days of Sino-Tirels, and the authorities condemned the young child.

Local police said a wealth worker dead in the second mine after crossing the acid and was accused of the mine and continued to work after the authority. Two chinese stewards were arrested, police said.

Both mines are now placed on their jobs after the instructions from the Zambian officers, and many angry Zambia.

“Really bringing attention to other investors to the environmental protection,” said Mweelee Himyenga, the developer of the evolutionist attending the meetings, government ministers, and others. “It seems that it doesn’t matter at all, any look. And I think it’s really worrying because at the end of the day, we as Zambia, () the only earth we have.”


Zimba reported to Lusaka, Zambia.


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