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Lots of Free Printable College Worksheets

The Electoral College is always an interesting topic to discuss in your social studies class. And in an election year, the Electoral College process is not only interesting, it’s important! The process by which Americans vote for president and vice president has been used for centuries, but is often misunderstood by students (and adults). Check out our Electoral College worksheet stack to help you clarify the Electoral College system for your students, while encouraging them to think critically about the voting system created by our Founding Fathers.

Electoral College Worksheet Bundle

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Reading Background

Use this reading to give your students a solid foundation in the what, how, and why of the Electoral College process.

Mapping the Electoral College
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Mapping the Electoral College

After learning about how the Electoral College works, share this exercise with your students to give them real-world examples of a system in action.

Election vs Popular Vote
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Election vs. Popular Vote

Although the electoral and popular votes are almost always tied in the same way, we have two examples in American history where the numbers did not equal. Use this resource with your students to discuss why electoral votes and popular votes sometimes conflict.

The future of the Electoral College
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The future of the Electoral College

Whether we should continue to use the Electoral College is always a matter of great debate. Use this resource to encourage students to use their new knowledge of the Electoral College to support or oppose its continued use.

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