USA News

The Developer of Politics says freedom media ‘never weak’

Political Cender Jim Vandehi said in a published discussion on Tuesday that the Liberal Media sources have reached the lowest area of ​​popularity and the influence of the US community.

“There is an Ideological market,” Vandeii in the conversation and Meistite. “Left right now, liberal media may never be weak in my life than ever.”

CNN and NBC news, among other parts of Liberal News, reported employees for employees this year to worry about low measurements and podcasters continue to grow their audience.

Conservative Inffencer ‘Has No “With NMAG, Rows to sue the specified image

Politico Conder Vandehi said in a published discussion on Tuesday that surgery and left surgical sources have reached a low volumes of the American community. (Pets)

According to the Digital News said with Digital News Site Semifor, War Washington Post has been losing much on its daily digital traffic process in President Benen in the office time. Although the Outlet website reaches its high Internet readings earlier in bidding, they have lost almost each student when it is about to end.

Soquefor reported in January that last daily traffic last year reached the quarter of its area on January 2021. This month had a workforce. But in the middle of 2024, its daily users surround usual 2,5-3,000 users. ”

Vandei said that the opportunity to grow “are very open,” despite obstacles.

“Might MSNBC in the type of digital, traditional, traditional life, have they had a great thing?

“There is much to work. Just you just have to change. Velocity, “continued.

‘Bristles of’ Needing

MSNBC Wet Jen Psaki and MSNBC Hold Rachel Maddow Split Image

MSNBC Hen Pssaki and MSNBC Hold Rachel Maddow (Screenshot of MSNBC)

“Anyone who has this idea, making good decisions to flourish. If you don’t have that, you die,” add. “But of course in any industry, any business.”

Layoffs are planned for a long time Officially beaten CNN In January when approximately 6% of the network staff were allowed.

The CNN is painted layoff as a critical initiative in finding the future of the network, telling vendors “that vendors cannot be denied in the area of ​​America. About 200 functions were completed as a result.

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Fox News’ Brian News and Gabriel had an impact on this report.

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