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The best Sequal Sequal Sequel’s Sequal Sequel is in existence because of the false urban fiction

Chris Snellgrove | Published

One of the best things about Files of X How often the exhibition has been converted to urban cities into real television television episodes. For example, the exhibition has a paragraph about the Jersey devil, who has given the fans of this particular skill. But the twisted show of his face, one of its beautiful episodes, “toys,” created thanks to the author wants to make his urban mythmy in Monster.

How “toys” cause myth

The first days of Files of X They were very stable by Glen Morgan and James Wong, the writing group that sets the Thembeka Threes. “Toys” was a piece of a tip of Aitur Villain, a kind of sloty monster who had been introduced in this episode “. And the “toys” is an absent-inspired row when Morgan made other Christmas shops in Los Angeles Mall Elos Angeles and even thought it was horrible in the fears of fearless cities.

Those who have seen “toys” know that the show helped bring his urban tends to a large life. In the Episode’s incident, a mulder and tried to track Eugene toys at his old address only to find that MLL was built there and that Monster Man seemed to lose inside the South files. When a mulder gets inside, it gets the right gooey area of ​​the queen from aliens; Attacked by naked toys, covered with biles and finally send a villain by opening the Esalalator, drags the wells until they die with their inner function.

If you know more about urban myths, you already realize that Files of X Basically mixed with an old while in a new one. Long ago before the “Toys” were written, it would be urban myths about how dangerous it would be to someone’s harm, especially children, painfulness or death (as a result of such memories MALLRATS When Jason Lee’s character is continuing with a repeated and dangerous Escalator). Toys killed by Escalator that is basically filled with old fiction, but Glen Morgan has added something new to urban myths in the sense of a man who lives below.

In opposing, “toys” conclude a series of ‘safeguing to put new spins to old urban organs. The meaning of “Jersey Defenue is explained that one woman is Aitur Monster before him. Changed by presenting the visitors from a small space like cruelty-shed woods without a shocking movie.

At the end of the day, “toys” would not even be remembered without the installation of urban mentions, because of the Villain header. But Escalator truly makes a happy conclusion, and Glen Morgan achieved his / her goal to open the new fears. Now, every time we drive a forgotten mall, we cannot help but how many hungry nerves can be interior, every 90ns thanks for the Interane TV.

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