The Bairman of Annfi Praise Mou with the Investment Investment Magement Management Managomements’ Association

Association of Mutual Funds Chairman Tivneet Muna Turior Signed between India and Indonesia on Saturday, saying both countries should continue to work together. Mutual Fundel Industry Body Body and AsosiSi Manajers Indonesia (Ami), the Indonesian administration agency, isolation of the Mou on January 25 to strengthen good financial and economic practices.
In accordance with the Premier of Mode Mode for Improved India, Indonesia also spoke the target to improve 2045, Munot said. “In line with the wishes set by our Premier, India must be VIDSit Bharat (India), and Indonesia is also set together in partnership,” said Munot informing the media.
“The Indian Mutual Fund industry has done so well for several years ago under the effective guidance of our market administrator and everyone support.
Collaboration is set to strengthen the Mutual Fund fields in both countries, the agreement set to create the best techniques, details and strategies aimed at increasing their study industry. It will cover the understanding and need for a broader exhibition requirement, including the General Adversion standards, management standards, essential leavening measures, product research, where both countries will benefit from each other and experience.
The MOU was signed during the Donesian Presidential visit in Indonesia, where they were accompanied by the GEOs from the CEOs from Indonesia.
As part of this event, Anni hosted a round table of Amii, Indonesia, highlighting important features of the Indian economic growth, and a good teacher’s professional role in driving supermarkets.
The circular table also explored the opportunities that appear in the city city and emphasizes India’s leadership in the removal of funds and governance.