The amazing connection of Star Trek in Dalai Lama

Chris Snellgrove | Published
On paper, you may think that TREK for Star Trek and Dalai Lama Little Boys a little. After all, the past is a franchiction franchect franchisa long scientific science developed in Roddenberry and the last son of Tibet. However, everything took was a piece of The next generation to bring the best of the world (so talking) together. While in myself Star Trek: The next generation The 3rd season “The ENDS of Command,” TREK manufacturers and characters meet Balanti Lama, and take a picture with the Data Brent Spinar players.
Star Trek & Dalai Lama

This is one tale that almost lost a long time but, enough, got to thank the movie of the travel period. While working in the article about Star Trek: Communication for the first timeThe Salon writer Jeff Growerwald began hearing rumors that Dalai Lama visited a set The next generation. It was beautiful rumors of the wild, but an unknown reporter knew that the famous man concluded a telescope as a child and had a cosmology as an adult. As given, it was not a very counseled to think about him as the most influential TV lover.
The most exciting part of this â[kwakuyisimangalosokuthilaphoevakashelayenauqoboI-Star Trek: Isizukulwane esilandelayo Setha, i-Dalai Lama ebungelwe isithombe nge-Brent Spines, yaziwa kakhulu ngokudlala i-Android, idatha. IGreenwaldd yayicishe iphelelwe yizindlela zokuqhuba la mahemuhemu phansi lapho ethola isipho esingalindelekile. Okungaziwa Voyager I-STAFFER yezwe ngentatheli izama ukubeka le ndaba futhi yathumelela isithombe sokuqala nge-FedEx.

Lapho iGreenwald ithole isithombe, yathola ukuthi amahemuhemu ayeneqiniso kuphela. Lesi sithombe siyakhombisa ukunxusa kukaBuddhist Monk kwesethi I-Star Trek: Isizukulwane esilandelayo Futhi ukuthatha isithombe nge-Brent Spines (owayesegqoke izingubo ezigcwele nokwakheka njengemininingwane), kodwa kwakungekho uphawu lwe-Dalai Lama uqobo. Ngaleso sikhathi, iGreenwald yacabanga ukuthi bekungukubheja okuhle okulungile kangangokuba lesi sibalo senkolo esiyisithonjana kufanele sibe ngumlandeli we Isizukulwane esilandelayo nokuthi uhlelo lwakhe olumatasa lumane lwamgcina ngokubuya mathupha isethi.
Ngenkathi uJeff Greenwald kufanele asebenze kanzima ukuthola lesi sithombe esihle, abalandeli abaningi be-Star Trek baba nesikhathi esikahle kakhulu sokubona lesi sithombe se-Dalai Lama. Lokho kungenxa yokuthi lesi sithombe safakwa e-United Kingdom VHS ukukhishwa kwe- “the Ensports of Command.” Uma ungenawo lawo mateyipu avela echibini ngaphesheya, lo mfanekiso umangele impela, futhi uyaqhubeka nokujabulisa abalandeli abasanda kuyithola unyaka ngamunye.
Ngenkathi uGene Rodderberry wayeqaphile kakhulu ukufaka inkolo ngohambo lwezinkanyezi, imibukiso emisha efana Umhlaba omusha ongaziwa bahlolile uhlangothi olungokomoya oluningi lwale franchise edumile. Njengoba kuvela, nokho, ngisho ne-Golden Age of Telk yayithandeka ngaphansi kwe-Dalai Lama uqobo.
Futhi lokhu kuhlangana okungalindelekile kwe-Sci-Fi kanye nengokomoya ngokuqinisekile kwaphila ngesiqubulo se-franchise, kuhamba ngesibindi lapho iphupho likaRoddenberry lalingakaze lihambile ngaphambili.
Umthombo: Salon
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