Education News

Teachers Take on the “Guess the Voice” Challenge.

The last few days before the holiday break can be very exciting for teachers or they are like the last lap in Mario Kart. As the holidays draw closer, teachers and students are wrapping up their years with fun and laughter, thanks to the latest TikTok trend in the classroom: the “Guess the Word” challenge. We highlight three teachers—Miss G., Mr. Shackleton, and Miss Z—who took their skills from TikTok.

What is the “Guess the Word” challenge?

In fact, it is a challenge to see if the teacher can identify his students by voice. This beautiful game not only provides a light-hearted game but it seems amazing to show the strong connection between teachers and their students.

How do you play Guess the Voice?

You just need a few steps to play this game with your students.

  • First, sit in a chair facing away from all your students.
  • Next, have students line up one file behind you so you can’t see them.
  • Ask your students to greet you or say a short phrase that is familiar to your class. “Hello Miss/Mr. [Teacher’s Name],” “Can I go to the bathroom?”, or “My Chromebook is dead” are great starting points!
  • Guess which student is speaking. (By the way, asking the student to repeat is a valid request!)

In these videos, it is interesting to see the reactions of the teachers as they notice—or sometimes laugh at—the voices of their students. Let’s examine their examples. They show that teachers can play this game from our oldest students to our youngest!

Miss G’s students.

Miss G crushed this challenge! He knew many of his students’ words instantly and answered them with confidence. Although some people in his comments supported students whose names were not immediately guessed (“Andrey’s justice!”), I think he did a great job!

The students of Mr. Shackleton:

Mr. Shack was very happy with his students! Watching this video takes me back to my college days. You can tell how much fun his students are even after getting a few wrong! As a user commented, “These kids love Mr. Shack!”

Miss Z’s students.

Miss Z. has a small group of students from the Guess the Voice game, so get ready to tug at your heartstrings! These cute little students are so happy when their teacher guesses their word correctly! One user commented, “You know all your kids!” Yes she does!

Why the Guess the Voice challenge is so hot

The Guess the Voice challenge attracts classes for several reasons. It’s straightforward to set up, requires no special equipment, and provides a quick, fun break between busy year-end activities. This game gives teachers a unique opportunity to show their attention to the personality of students, beyond academic performance. For students, it provides an opportunity for meaningful personal interaction with their teachers, fostering a sense of community and connection during a season that celebrates just that. Most importantly, it fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and fun, strengthening the teacher-student relationship in a deeply personal way.

Try it in your classroom!

As the excitement builds this time of year, why not add some fun and smiles to your classroom with the Guess the Voice challenge? It’s a perfect, simple activity that emphasizes the spirit of the season—connection, recognition, and fun. Who knew a simple game could improve the classroom atmosphere so well?

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