World News

Taylor Swift, Jay-Z and Donald Trump in the middle of the stars in New Orleans

Thomas Mackintosh

BBC news

Reuters Taylor Swift, wearing a vest top white, relying on other trains in Super Dome in New OrleansReuters

Taylor Swift – pictured between the two Haimi sisters – watches the boyfriend Travis Kelce’s Abucl

Some of the world’s largest sporting events occur in New Orleans as Baladelphia’s breadwinners find this year’s bigger container by conquering the emphasis of Kansas City Chiefs emphasizing.

The event did not execute the best of the NFL to provide this season – but the Hollywood A-Lifers, artists and US President Donald Trump in Superdome stations.

Before the game started, the actor Jon Ham presented chiefs while Bradley Cooper brought the hype to find the cities.

Below is a celebration option in the Super Bowl.

REUTERS ACTER BRADEY COOPER JOIN DEVAN LEBARON (Right) to announce their favorite team - Baladelphia's eaglesReuters

A character of Bradley Cooper joined younger little fan Debemben Lebaron (right) to announce their favorite team – Baladelphia’s eagles

The Reuters Blue Ivy wear a paired pair of paired pargenial cargo denim; While standing next to her father Jay Z and sister RumiReuters

Though Beyoncé was not seen in Super Bowl of the Super Bowl, her daughters of blue ivy and Rumi were present with their father Jay-Z

REUTERS Jay-Z took fewer images of Rumi to jump near another endzones as blue Ivy watchesReuters

Jay-Z assumed a couple of Rumi images jump near one of the last places as blue Ivy watches

Pictures of Getty New Orleans Saints Gayle Benson, US President Donald Trump, and Ivanka Trump looked at the Super Bowl Lix in Caesars SuperdomeGETTY photos

Donald Trump became the first US President to Super Bowl. He was accompanied by a large organization, including his daughter Ivanka (right)

Relidelels President Donald Trump greet as the national anthem is sung by Jon BatisteReuters

Trump greeted as a national anthem is sung by Jon Batiste

Reutanka Trump is always alone in Superdomome in New OrleansReuters

But Trump seemed to leave before the game had finished and criticized the Super Bowl kick on his social part. Left his daughter Ivanka Trump to enjoy the event

Pictures of Getty Jordan Hudson - girlfriend of former NFL Billicheck - Asked near the Golden Globe Globe GlanserGETTY photos

Jordon Hudson (left) – girlfriend of former NFL Bil Belichick – placed near the Golden Globes Host Nikki Glanser

Instagram / JordialBoafICIAFicic Inter Miami's Lionel Memi, Luis Suarez, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets in the Super Bowl 59Instagram / JordialbooFicial

Inter Miami Lionmel Messi, Luis Suarez, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets in the Super Bowl 59

Reuters Taylor Swift, Date Kansas City Chiefs Player Travis Kelce, was ordained by fans of Philadelphia followers as he appeared in JumboTronReuters

Taylor Swift, Date Kansas City Chiefs Player Travis Kelce, was appointed Egsus Fans as he appeared in JumboTron

REUTERS singer Taylor Swift talks to a musician and an actor, Ala Haim on the stationsReuters

He was pictured in the artist and an actor Alana Haim in the stations as chiefs found to earn the board points in the first part

Getty pictures of Brenda and Caulay Cumpukin sit next to the otherGETTY photos

Wearing blue and yellow colors rams, the whole home of the Macaulay Culikin Lat near his wife Brenda song – who also sponsors la franchise

Acts of Reuters Pete Davidson and Kevin Costner displayed sharing mocking before the game kickReuters

Players Pete Davidson and Kevin Costner Talked Background Before Playing Background

Reuters Summary is opening with Samuel L Jackson dressed as Mrume SamReuters

The Time Show was opened with Samuel L Jackson dressed as Malume SAM

Getty photos during Super Bowl Half Time Show, Kendrick Lemar and make Lemuther, his current chart chart, with R & B Sever ScrezaGETTY photos

During a half exhibition, Kendrick Lamar was made Luther, his chart, R & B Senda

Pictures of Getty Tennis Legend Serena WilliamsGETTY photos

And his special guest was no one other than tennis legend Serena Williams

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