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Tariff War: FP video views the impact and solutions

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Since the world’s next tax cycle appears to the Frequency of US President Donald Trump, Canadian economy begins to show signs of stress. The FP Video spoke to the Minister of Per Mackay Hospital, two economic scholars and royal architector on the first impacts in the trading fight and what we can do to reduce any damage.

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Peter Mackay, a foreigner Minister discussing as New Order Order I want to change and how Canada needs to do to live.

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Tariff War: FP video views the impact and solutions

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Canada is well directed in the economic downturn

Jimmy Jean, a big economy in Desanjardins Group, in what is kept in the Canadian economy and the Bank of Canada for commercial ratios.

Tariff War: FP video views the impact and solutions

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Trade War khatha is a very powerful Housing Market in 3 years

Phil Soceroper, the Chief Executive Officer of the royal kingdom, where the Canadian Real Estate travels as the trading war has weights of the consumer.

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