Studies train AI to interpret animal sensations

Artificial intelligence eventually can help us understand when animals are in pain or show some feelings – at least according to investigators are already in science.
For example, there is an Intellipig Program that is made up of the University of University of England and the rural Scotland, viewing pigs face pictures and informs painfulness when there are emotional stress.
And a group at the University of Haifa – one after the facial recognition software is already used to help people find lost dogs – now training the symptoms of disagreements.
These programs are dependent on the people to do the first work of identifying various animal behaviors (often removed from a remote view of animals in different contexts). As recently, the researcher at the University of São Paula checked the horse’s face ‘before and after taking the painskillers – training AI to her eyes, ears and said it was to learn the symptoms that could indicate what symptoms could indicate. with an average of 88% success.
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