The LA Times accepts its class of 2025 spring students

The Los Angeles Times Internship program introduces decades ago to get the next journalist’s next generation. Today, We Continue That Tradition With Spring Coherence Experience Experience With Obes of the Most Prission Stories Are – Covering the Arts, Wildfires, Sports, Hollywood and Much More.
We are pleased to accept the five educated journalists in South California in South California that will bring their different stories in Westy newspaper, Hans – Training to help their art and bring their views of the story. Please meet them below.
Alia Yee Noll Junior at USC is most important in Journalism and Mining in Dectionary and Gender and Sexual Assumable Sex. He worked at Trojan everyday for all his college ages, working as ARTS and Entertainment Editor and the relevant administrative planner. In the last summer, he worked as a MS editorial planner. When not writing, you can find his museums testing and restaurants near South California, collecting rubber stamps and making crossword puzzles. You are very happy to join the times like her baby image.
Amy Contreras Is the Los Angeles and the latest Crusticope Latest Poly San Luis Obispo, where he studies comparisons and Spanish. At his high-quality project, he created Vitrina, the first Latinx campus newspaper in Cal Poly. He also imposed on the compass radio station as a podcast Host for “different stories,” where they cover diversity, equality and incoming problems. He worked as a trained person at the Washington Office in Latin America, translating news book, wrote a weekbook. He also interacted with Yak Titʸu Tirzu Kitʸu LuÅ‚hini (YTT) Amy enjoys spending time at home with her dog, Cami, Catic, Coco, watching Mexico’s telethobles and breached his homework lattes. Happy to join de SOS to join and evaluate the LA lininx community.
Benjamin Rober Is Angelo graduating in May in the Master degree in special journalists in USC, where they find the investigation of the research journalist. Since 2022 to 2024, he learned to communicate in UCLA, where they serve as a sports planner with the author of the daily Bruin. Since July, write it to times as a higher quality journal, covering high school games, Los Angeles spark, UCLAS Gymnastics and USC Women’s Basketball. Her Byline has appeared in New York Mime and UCLA Blueprint, a cover in campus protests, medicine and sporting sources. Benjamin likes the staff of investigating sports and cannot wait to join the Times, the newspaper, and the part of a regional sport.
Lupe of Renas, San Fernando Valley, he is the latest Wer State Normridge and USC’s Anninennberg School by communicating journalism. As a two-language reporter and the first drift of the Mevitican American, Lupu brings a culture to his reporting to get united news. His work has been published in Iheartmedia, Mitú, accompanied by recreational issues and are in Los Angeles, among others. When not prepared for an interview, chasing the story in social media or cover the event, listening to the HIP-HOP artists and Latin artists. Happy to join de los as the content creator. Stay connected with Lupe on all communication platforms: @lupellerenas.
Anthony solorzanoThey are born and raised in Pomona, who like to tell news in any way. Over the years, he had a book such as CAL POLY POYON POSTON POST, MT. San Antonio Community Community College, La Taco, Pomonan and various stores from California News Group. In his spare time, he writes two books: “With Grove,” he examines the culture and politics of their own city; and “pseudo pop,” highlighting social analyst for the lens and television shows. Join times as an Interch is a dream fulfilled with anthony.
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