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Southern Charm’s Venita Slams Show Sending as ‘Home Wreecker’

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Southern Charm star Venita Aspen You don’t appreciate the way she was launched in the show – especially when it comes to allegations of her communication with Costar Jarret “jt” thomas.

Aspen wrote on a burning story in Aspen, “Aspen wrote on a burning story,” Aspen wrote on the burning story allotted on Saturday, dinner JT Me and JT followed Bahamas as the audience saw it. “

“So this week episode now makes me look like a home flock when I’m away,” he continues. “I know what I have registered but I will not admit that the world is thinking I am a woman when I’m away.”

“Make sure you enter this screen to all Reddit strings,” he concludes.

US of Week You reached Bravo to comment.

The south vanita charms say they show the arrangement makes it look like shes a home wrecker for allegedly dating JT
Kavenita Aspen / Intram

FEBRUARY 6 Real Bravo Television Television Television Television Television, JT and Aspen discuss their obvious chemicals before JT’s last time he had begun to date. “I know we have chemicals? I appealed to you? Yes,” told her at that time. “But, I’m real, I see someone.”

“I will not say I know you have a girlfriend, I can say that I know you’re talking to someone but wasn’t because ‘this is what I like you,” who is a Confession Document during the same episode. He added, “I am equally part and part of a sad part, for how long is it?”

Drama called the Drama continued during the first point of viewing another episode, where Aspen told one of the MoND JT member texting each other. “You have feelings for you? As with the top of a friend, or not?” Somebody asked, which Aspen shake your head and smile.

While we talked about “VIAL Files” Podcast on Tuesday, on February 25, Aspen said the woman Jt decided to “scroll from social sources” after the social series.

“That he was in love, so that I didn’t know,” he said. “And basically, as, call me in my name. And I was just like, ‘Well, I didn’t have to put it in it.’ I can’t do anything about it. ‘ “

JT raised eyeballs when leaving this Plia in the front of the 10th season.

Leccroy also said that he felt that JT wanted to be a villain in a series. He added, “he felt quickly that he would not stay,” he added.

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