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Something unexpected are the stars to Milky Way

New research from The Harvard Center Magistrate’s team shows that a large cloud of magellanic, neighboring neighbors, deals with the Grasportational Grandweal building for hours of the sun: a large Supermassive large hole.

The most acceptable idea of ​​the galactic evolution catches that black holes are only available in the largest galaxies, such as Milky Way. To date, we had no reason to think that a small group like a large magellanic cloud can handle one. When Ix-ray telescopopes or Presecocies are trained for small collections like a large Gellanic cloud, they did not find signatures associated with a dungeon.

But then the hytrevecocity stars arrived. Almost 20 years, astronomers observed the stars that travel quickly with enough acceleration to get rid of their galaxies. While the traditional star is traveling about 100 kilometers per second, a hypervecocity star leaves 10 times as soon as possible. Experts think that such stars come from “the outer outdoor” structure of the supermassive supermassive structure under the hill machine – which is the star system into a black hole, and another staring star.

Inside the Milky Way Itself There are possible hytrivity stars to come from here. Studies suggest that they are accelerated by Sagittarius a *, a large dark hole in the center of the galaxy. But at least 21 hytrecocity stars are found to be accompanied by a large black hole but cannot be linked to the middle work of the Milky Way. In group resources, it is evident that these stars come from a large magellanic cloud.

In this group, led by Jiwon Jesse Han, this is one of the first pieces of evidence of the presence of our black galasses in our neighbor. According to the first group statistics, the Hole Bole of Hole can be between 251,000 and 1 people. Its normal weight will be 600,000 times the sun size.

Studies – currently in the original but will be published in the Astrophysical Details from the European Space Againy’s Gaia Mission, her intention to sink billions of stars to calculate their movement.

However, there can be some other definitions of the item. The stars that run away from their galies can also appear in the supernova or other powerful way to get enough. Paper writers explained, however, that this is not seen than hyperverocity stars that appear to appear in a large magellanic cloud.

The great Magellanic cloud is a Galaxy indirect galaxy in Milky Way, along with the other Dwarf star degree, such as Sagittarius, Carina, or Draco. It is 163,000 bright years from the world and has a range of 14,000 years of light. Astronomers believe that in the future – some 2.4 billion years – a large magellanic cloud and milky will meet into one larger collection, as well as the other major spaces, such as Andromeda Galaxy. Experts believe that the combination process will be slow and, on the planet scale, it will not be problems.

This story at the beginning appeared -Ome en español and translated from Spain.

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