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Sister Wives: Meri Turns Snow on Robyn Send Off?

Sister Wives star Mary BrownThe security guard suddenly appeared on Sunday night while watching Robyn Brownwho immediately played to the TLC cameras crying. Robyn arrived with a gift and try as she might, she couldn’t coax any sadness from Meri, who refused to join her in the show of emotion.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown In La-La-Land

Sister Wives fans watch as Kody Brown helps Meri Brown move her belongings out of her house in Flagstaff. He then drove the truck to Utah, where he unloaded his belongings at his new home, Lizzie’s Heritage Inn.

Although Robyn Brown did not assist in this moving project, she did appear. And, instead of an open-arm welcome from Meri, he got what might have been a cold shoulder, it suggests Sister Wives viewers.

Sister Wives | TLC

Meri and Kody were having the time of their lives while piling things onto the moving truck. They even made several references to their intimate moments.

Others Sister Wives fans likened Kody and his first wife to young lovers. The way they treated each other shocked the fans. Kody’s attention to his ex-wife, and his kind words, confused her, as well as fans.

But, along with all this, his sudden cry also confused him, as well as the audience watching. She was sad to see him go, and she cried. In her confessional, Mary was devastated by her behavior. He said it doesn’t have to be this way. Yes, the day they left was like a day in La-La-Land, as the now-defunct duo acted like a couple who are still very much in love.

Robyn Tried But Failed

Sister Wives provided several very telling scenes between Robyn Brown and the first lady in the last episode. Meri Brown and Kody Brown were all fun and games, and then Robyn came along.

He came with a farewell gift for Meri. However, one of the most noticeable things in these scenes besides Robyn’s excessive crying was Meri’s lack of empathy for Robyn.

Others Sister Wives fans suggested that the first wife was cold to Robyn, who once considered her as her best friend.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Robyn Brown Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Robyn Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

But at the same time, fans saw the reason for the bad treatment of ex-wife Robyn Brown. Meri and Kody had a great day without wandering around. But when Robyn Brown showed up, she made it all about her.

In addition, he kept pushing his feelings in the direction of his ex-wife, who said in her confession that she would not agree to go there. Meri added, that whatever Robyn was going through, she needed to find out for herself.

Sister Wives: Meri Couldn’t Put Up With Her Best Friend Ever

Sister Wives viewers discussed the interaction between the two women in Sunday’s episode. They were surprised to see Robyn looking unwanted at this moving event.

Even when Kody yelled at Robyn Brown as she left, Meri intervened. He suggested that Kody stay with Robyn and today he was leaving. No one followed Robyn into the car, but that didn’t stop her from crying on camera while sitting in the car before driving away.

Others Sister Wives fans suggested that Robyn Brown try to enter the scene to show her frustration with Meri’s departure. But fans think Meri Brown saw right through Robyn’s agenda.

Therefore, some viewers saw a good reason for Meri to talk to Robyn Brown. They suggested that she tried to steal the scene to talk about her heartbreak instead of Meri Brown’s goodbye to Kody Brown on the TLC series.

Check back on Soap Dirt for the latest buzz Sister Wives.

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