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Shur 88+ walk is the first wireless microphone to-phone with the selected polar patterns

Wireless-to-phone target microphone with four selected four patterns. The company says this is the first microphone of its kind to provide this feature. Undodied patterns, polar are expensive when microphone picks up sound. Most of the taming in this category only provides the OpernidirectionCational Polar pattern, which is equally in every direction. Some companies change that by cardioid pattern, taking audio from one place.

Movmic 88+ provides access to both polar patterns above, more than bi-decreits and raw in the center of the side. Why do you do anything of this story? Increases microphone flexibility. Cardiooid pattern is ready, say, tiktok video or acoustic performance. The direct pattern of BI-Cetieal can be Go-to Celt for each of the individual’s interview and the Omnidique pattern to choose the recording of the field.

Microphone and offers a bevy of climbing options. Sticks on the most popular Tripods and MIC standing with Mic Clip and can be used as man-owned microphone. IT Blog directly through the Trucure app, without the need for a company acceptance. It can, however, to meet someone you receive if you want to use it with a regular camera or computer.

The app also provides users to control over the audio signal, with the gain, EQ, the maximum filter of passing and more. The wireless range emits 100 feet and the battery lasts hours around eight hours. Movemic 88 + is available now for $ 299 and comes with a cold piece Mit Clip, 5/8 Mic Clip and USB-C Cable.


Shur last year, but that man did not put selected patterns. And just revealed a good condenser Mic that includes a.

This article was originally appeared in Engadget at

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