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Russia gives restoring direct air links and US, during Istanbul talks

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Moscow (AP) – Russia has given the United States to return specific air coordinates between two countries during the latest round of Washington, the Russian Foreign Ministry.

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Russian Diplomas with us met in Istanbul on Thursday to discuss the general equipment of their disabled agents by dismissing Dilllomats.

The international service has shale “superior and professionalism” and are allowed to ensure the income of Russia and the United States according to return statistics. “

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The department said it also provided US “to check that it is possible to bring back a direct air traffic.” You can add any information or a frame for a specific time, and no immediately comments from Washington in the matter.

The US and other Western countries have provided air and Russia links as part of a cashier case charged in Moscow after sending forces to Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

The US-Russian Speech Finding Reached at the time of US President Donald Trump Call and Russian President Vladimir Putin, along with the discussions between USAi Arabia police earlier this month.

In Riyadh, Moscow and Washington confirmed that he had agreed to eliminate war in Ukraine and to improve their economic relationship. That includes repaying employees in the ambassadors, where in recent years is strictly beaten with the expulsion of large diplomatives, offices, and other restrictions.

The US State department said during the talk of Thursday in Istanbul, US supplies regarding banking and agreements with the need to ensure the US abuser standards in Moscow. “

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“For positive negotiations, both sides identified the first steps of the concrete concrete of Lilateral Mission in these areas,” said the statement.

Sonata Coulter, US secretary of the World Hit in Russia and Central Europe, led the US team, and Alexander Darchiyev, head door of North America, “said the US world department.

Putin Thursday praised “Premp Administration” and real viewing “compared to what he describes as a” stereotypes and the anti-mussyic “ideas.

“The first contacts and the US new stewards encouraged some hopes,” said Putin. “There is a realization in the work to restore relationships and gradually solve a large amount of the best of the worldwide buildings.”

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