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Pope Francis will be welcomed at Roman Hospital in Brnechitis, Vatican said

Pope Francis will be accepted at a hospital in Rome to make the treatment and test of Bronchitis, the Vatican said.

The 88-year-old would come to the hospital in Gemelli behind his Friday audiences, a short statement said.

The pope still has bronchitis symptoms for several days and transfers officials to learn his fixed speeches in recent events.

“Today in the morning, after his audience, the Pope Francis will be welcomed to Agostino Gemellinic for diagnosis.

On Wednesday, the Pope asked the priest to read the part of his talk because of his difficulties.

“Let me ask the priest to continue reading, because I cannot, with my bronchitis. I hope that the next time I can,” said 88 soon after the talk.

He also asked for the helpers who worship them in the Sunday Sunday and common schedule on Wednesday.

He held meetings in his own Vatican area in the last week of rest and recover.

The pope was treated bronchitis in the same hospital on March 2023, spending three nights there.

In December that year, he was forced to challenge his trip to the United Arab Emirates for COP28 climate conference due to illness.

Argentina’s Pontiff spent almost 12 years as a leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

You suffered from many health problems in all her life, including having a part of one of her lungs removed at the age of 21.

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