Latvian games: When unthinkable conditions become entertainment
A few years ago, the situation was Canada and other NATO soldiers proposed in Latvia last week may seem to think – even the Aaltist in an illiterate eye.
Through winter coach, a few miles[afewkilometersfromtheRigaabout3400troopsfromtheBrigadeCanadianCommander-theyusedthewaytodothelastcityofLatvia
A delicious situation opened 30 days in the hypothetical attack of the Baltic State by a Baltigorent’s neighbor with forgotten name.
Everyone knew that “the enemy” was Russia, but no one spoke the name.
The same week’s exercise as the relationship between the United States and Ukraine are thrown where the Ugly is deducted, the JD Vence president Vodymyy in the Ovodel office.
The idea that Washington travels very close to the Moses orbit is very loud in Latvia. The country saw the foundations of Russians in Baltic – once cease forces and equipment because of Ukraine’s war – now it is filled and restored.
All three of the three incidents of Baltic – Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania – increased to strengthen their boundaries with Russia. But there is fear that the United States will glorify the Holy Grail of the Nato, Article 5, which separates attacks from another member is an attack on all.
Defense Minister Latvia Welatvia and Latvia and Latvia
“There is room and space [bigger] And the powerful presence, “said Spruds in the conversation, which took a Saturday to the CBC radio House.
“We must remember that the Latvia border is the outer boundary of the European Union and NATO. Therefore, it is not only protecting the Latvia, protected by the region.”
The Western Alliance Arlilance has organized Latvia’s protection under the multitaison, including Canadian -Led Brigade. This section is led by Danish Maj. – Gen. Jette Albinus, who told CBC news in the recent interview that the trader – or live in full peace in Ukraine – will allow Russia to pass completely in the Baltic region.
Middle of February. The Danish Institute for international courses have published a Russian warning report may continue to build the soldiers in both barotic and arctic regions.
Albinus says that Denmark’s spyning work has spent that peace in Ukraine – although acceptable and necessary – will raise the border and the Baltic States.
“No doubt .. For the threat here it will come out,” Albinus said.
“It just makes me my sleeves and prepared the best … You have to show you that you’re ready to fight to protect the Latvia and the Baltics.”
The troops go in trouble
The question that has removed the NATO Military Plannis since the forces of the Alliance were first sent to Baltic in 2017, that the opposition can be strengthened and reused in trouble.
Latvia protection system sees in Canada, Denmark and Sweden accelerating additional forces in the country. The question is: Can they be present with the lowly Russian in the Baltic Sea, and maybe Airrespale is closed?
Albinus said he was even more convinced that the lines of the sea would remain open now as Sweden and Finland joined nato.
There are major programs for strengthening the trains by train, which means other joint supervisors.
Col Henrik Rosdahl, Swedish Battalion commander of the Brigade of Canada, said the focus of ensuring that the soldiers were able to catch and fight back in the event of the attack.

However, he said, Sweden – like Canada – in the process of rebuilding its troops.
“I hope? I can say,” Rosdahl said CBC news. “We’re going to have problems to bring great strength [to Latvia] As we build our armies to protect the world, as we speak. “
But added a question to strengthen the strength of the political and military leadership of the best-based response.
The Canadian army commander, Ltt. – Gen Mike Wright, who was Latvia of this work, said “Content” with the lever carrying Lithuanian arrangements and the UK leading to a different from Estonia.
“Let alone,” said Wight. “We are part of a protection and united defense at the Nato’s Easter Flight.”
Last year, the European policy analysis center (CEPA) tested that the war in the scribes looked like and how to play geopolitically.
The report concluded that Russia may not be able to make immediate benefits in the Baltic District, even in three days of verification, and the Kremlin may reach three days of the Bastics opening will inform the nuclear response. “
Trump Administration’s threats to find the Greenland “somehow” and may not be annexika Canada in the economic energy, Cape Scenario – as a War in Latvia – it is not very visible there.
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