Pink Flamingos ‘held from MassMugglers’ etisia
Ten vulnerative flamesos are stored after being smugglers are caught trying to fill the tunisia, according to the country’s body.
Bird images are packed with winged crates, legs and tortos and torsos are compiled and shipped on online.
Flamesos were exposed near the Algerian border on Sunday, “which is carried on a truck with Tunisia’s enrollment plate”, The authorities state in a statement.
Now the birds have been restored in their natural location, officials added, “as part of the lasting efforts”.
But it is not clear what action is taken against organized traffickers.
It is illegal to hunt or smuggle flamingos in Tunisia because it is protected by Tisiisian law.
Some threats to flamingos include land pollution and temperatures that are created by human climate change, that the presiding presorders, causing the areas in Nomazingo areas to minimize.
A big flamingo, or Phoenicoptes ROSUS To use its scientific name, it is listed as threatening types of international organization to maintain the environment.
However there is good news, as data is collected ten years ago showed that some people are increasing.
Recent ratings suggest that at least half a million left in the wild.
North Africa is one of the many migratory birds, seen in Europe, in West Africa and Asia.
Viewing Flamingos Birds including Djerba Island Off On the southern coast of Tunisian, and Korba Lagoon north.
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