The US repairs with Ukraine leaving Russian wrath denied by UN – National

In the winning of Ukraine on the third day Russia, the UN general meeting had refused to allow the supporting solution that encouraged the end of the war without talking about Moscow’s anger. Instead, we accepted the European Ukrainian decision in searching Russia and immediately issued their armies, Trump management management.
Trump management issue in the body of 193 members, their decisions are not legal but appeared as the Baretor of the world’s vision. But it also shows a lower support of Ukraine, transmitted 93-18, which has 65 objects. That is low in previous votes, which saw more than 140 nations condemning Russian wrath and demanded its withdrawal.
The United States once tried to suppress the Ukraine to withdraw their repairs instead of its application, including the last minute appeal by the Deputy Depend on Ambassador Dorashy Shea. Ukraine declined, and the meeting agreed to the amendment of three European proposed European proposal and clear that Russia attacked her small neighbor for violating UN Charter.
Voting for a terminated decision was 93-8 in 73 missions, with Ukrainian voting “Yes,” US ends and Russia to vote “No.”
Deputy Minister of Ukraine Marya Bets said the country uses her ‘protection right’ following Russia’s attack, which violates the royal ruler and the integrity of the nations.
“As we notice three years of the expulsion – the full Russian attack against Ukraine – we call all the nations to stand firm and take … Charter side and lasting peace, peace,” he said. President Donald Trump often expresses his commitment to “peace in power.”

The US Heevoy Shea, now, said many past UN decisions blamed Russia and demanded withdrawal of Russian soldiers “Failed to Stop the War,” Making too much Ukraine and Russia and Russia. “
“What we need is a commitment to all members of the UN member members to bring lasting end to battle,” Shea said.

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Dueling decisions show distinctions between the US and Ukraine after Trump wakes suddenly through Russia with quickly solving bid. They also emphasize the difficulty in the Transatlantic Alliance over Trump Administrant’s Turnaraction’s Turnaround’s Turnaround’s Engineering. European leaders were frustrated
At the rupture rhetoric, Trump is called the President of Ukraine Volymyr’s “Tyrant,” Sirty-Similarly Kyav and warned that he would destroy the conflict or nation with no nation. Labelenskyy replied that Trump stayed in Russian space made by Russian. “
Trump administrators and not only prohibit completing UKRAIN ‘NUN repair, but the last minute they proposed its competitive solution.
The US also wants to vote on its application to the UN powerful UN Security Council, when decisions are officially arrested and powerful in Veto and Russia, China, and France. China, holding the Office of the President’s Council this month, scheduled it to Monday afternoon.
A United State, we talk about the situation because the Council did not take a US solution, said the United States would issue any amendments to Russia or Europeans.
The General Assembly has become the most important body of U Ukraine because the Security Council of 15 Members, charged with the global peace and security in Russia.
Since Russian armies attacked the border on February 24, 2022, the General Assemy agreed to half the ten decisions that we were criticized and wanted to be issued by Russian troops.
The most short-language verbal decision acknowledges that “the painful loss of life everywhere in Russia-Ukraine is a conflict of conflict and also purposes of peace between Ukraine and Russia.” Never reported Moscow
UN Anse Ansiser, Nicolas de Rivee, in the name of more than 20 countries of Europe, proposed three amendments, “reflects the real condition in Ukraine – a neighborhood under her neighborhood.”
The first one takes place “in Russia – Ukraine” by the full attack of Ukraine by Russia Federation. “Secondly confirms the commitment of the Ukraine Meeting of the Ukraine, Freedom, Unity and Loyalty People within its known borders.

The UN Ambassador of Russia, Vassily and Benzia, told reporters last week that the real solution ‘was fine.’
He proposes the amendment of the phrase “including the fact that its germinition” so the last string of the US decision will read, “includes the Code of Resolution,” includes dealing with lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia. “
The General Meeting was also adopted
Ukraine’s decision refers to the “full attack of Ukraine by Russia Federation” and remember the need to use all past conventions “accepted to respond to anger against Ukraine.”
They sing a meeting of Russia that Russia “is soon, completely and relieve all her hoste troops from the Ukrainian area within its known borders around the world.”
It emphasizes that any involvement of North Korean soldiers are struggling by the Russian military “raising great concerns regarding the increasing the dispute.”
The decision confirms the commitment of the Ukraine Meeting and “that there is nothing found where the threat or power conservation will be accepted as law.”
It requires “disclosure, the first termination of the army and the peaceful war of war against Ukraine” and is also “the urgent need to end the war this year.”
–Political writer Matthew Lee in Washington contributed to the report.