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Opelai Ceo Sam Altman acknowledges that AI benefits may not be widely distributed

In a new story in his own blog, Open CEO Sam Altman said the company open to the “tricky budget,” using the ideas “to use” technical benefits are widely distributed.

“The historical impact of technological advances suggest that most of the metric results we care about (health effects, economic prosperity, etc.) Be better in scale despite new ideas,” Altman writes. “In fact, the balance of energy seems to be easily abused, and this may need early intervention.”

The solutions of this problem, like the Altman ‘budget “, can be easy to lift. After all, AI contributes to the labor market, which has led to jobs and the Department. Experts have warned that unemployment is a potential effect of AIs when it can comply with the appropriate policies and disaster systems.

Not first, Altman claims that require normal artificial intelligence (AGI) – explaining that “[an AI] The system that can deal with the more complex problems, in a person’s level, in many fields “- Nearly.

“[AGI systems] You will have new new ideas, “Altman wrote,” and it will be good for other things but amazingly in others. “

But the real value from Agi will appear by conducting these programs to a large extent, and Alt Altman were heard. According to Anthropic’s Rirorour, Dario Amode, ALTMANE sees thousands or even millions of Ai Hyper-Hyper-Hyper-Plans.

One can imagine that it will be a expensive idea to see. Indeed, Altman noted that “you can use controversial incoming money and get ongoing benefits of predicted” AI performance. Opelai may not be reportedly in the process of raising $ 40 billion in a round funding, and promise to spend a $ 500 billion and partners in a large data network.

However, Altman also makes costs using the “given level of AI” until 10x every 12 months. In other words, pressing the AI ​​technology will not be cheaper, but users will gain access to skilled programs in the way.

AI skills are skilled, very expensive from the depth of Chinese Ai depseek and others appear to support that idea. There is evidence of suggesting that training costs and development costs, and, but both Altman and Amodii are opposed to the need for a large AI – and beyond.

As to the fact that Openai It plans to release AGI-Level Systems (thinking that the adult), the Altman has likely to do “major decisions and limits associated with AGI safety. The Openai once promised to give up competing with him and to start helping any “associated alignment,” to create AGA before it was done.

It is true, that happens when Accecai is intended to remain profitable profit. The company is in the process of converting its business make-up into traditional org, driven profit. Openai reportedly aims to reach $ 100 billion for the revenue of 2029, equal to the sale of the current year and Nestle.

This happened, Altman added that purpose of Acali as a more powerful AI would be “picked up higher rights” while used by the authorized government by considering a number of people. “Altman recently said ACCAI was on the wrong side in history when it came to opening its technology.

“AI will see in all economic and society; we will expect everything wise,” said Altman. “Many of us expect to need more technology than we have history, and embrace that there is a balance between safety and empowerment to require trading.”

Altman’s Blog’s Blog will come before the Ai Action Summit in Paris, left with some tech fakes signs to produce their views about the future AI.

Forehoon, ALTMAN added that ACCA is not planning to get rid of its closest relationship with Microsoft investors any time soon through the name Agi. Microsoft and Openai reportedly has AGI contract description that can produce $ 100 billion benefit – that, if applicable, allow Opelai to negotiate investment. Altman said, however, that Opelai “is fully expecting[s] Microsoft is for a long time. “

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