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A little shocking galaxy near Andromeda is one million Milky Way

The astronomers of astronomers found a small satellite galaxy at the Milky Way’s Neigh Best Way’s Border Way, Andromeda Galaxy.

Satellite satellite galaxy was called Andromeda XXXV and lasting about 3 million from the world. Galaxy discovery provides astronomers to become a useful comparative learning tool to learn satellite galaxies at our galaxies, Milky method. The team detection was published this week in the Asstrophysical Asstraphs.

“This is a fully functional amount of galaxies, but about one million of Milky’s greatness,” says Eric Bell, a high university of the study at the University, the relief at university. “It’s like having a good person with a magnitude of rice repair.”

Andromeda XXXV is about 20,000 very high adventures of our solar – very small, even satellite galaxy. In order to compare, the Milky Way weight is about 1.5 trillion Solar mass, and the lonely galaxies can be 30 sunlight.

Although full full galaxy, Andromeda XXXV is enough to get caught GRANSIGINATational Dondomade Dondellite Glosal Way’s galaxies. Investigators see Andromeda XXXV with Hubble Space Telescope.

“This kind of galaxy is only available around the same system, Milky method, in the past,” said Bell. “We can now look at one around Andromeda and is the first time I did that without our program.”

Hubble recognition revealed that it was not the only Andromeda XXXV only a satellite galaxy, but it is not sufficient enough to raise questions about the fact that the stars till stars.

“Most Milky Watellites have a very old stars. What we see that the same satellites in Andromeda can build stars that occur several billion years ago – six billion years. “

Findation is useful in separating the satellite galaxy shape and the star structure in the Milky manner from other galaxies. In either one of the two to 2 trillion in the visible atmosphere, but such small galaxies, but it is hard to see – that’s why you feel Hubble XXXX’s view.

Outstanding questions about a small galaxy – including how the world is rare in the hot 13 billion years ago. “The whole universe turned into the boiling oil stick,” Bell, andromeda XXXVS is too small it can lose all the gas. But a few billion years after, the galaxy continued to make the stars.

Additional recognition can specify the tangible type of satellite, and by representative, it can light it with full satellite galaxies.

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