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Olyn Protects Biopic ‘Beaze’ adding their shops FilMakers’

Brian’s latest Biopic “Masas Mane,” the film about the Beatles Manager, which is found in a Netflix Manager or Amazon, but at the outset itself ‘so you can ask?

An answer that the new platform, Olyn, says that a new film distribution model and video distribution is broadcasting “broadcasts. From Hollywood Blockbuster Independent, thirsting to cope with the sales fees distributed to large platforms for distributing.

Olyn based on Anna Maria Jipa, Jeremias Buiro, Kiran Thomas, Malcolm Wood – allows filmmakers to spend their income while giving audience for distribution experience. Instead of films that are sold on the platforms such as netflix, Model Hinges in the Setup Budget, critics of flags, suspected content suspects of transporting their contents, blogs, and social stations.

This peer-to-peer peer is causing the platform as the middleman and turns the distribution of movies in e-commerce-style of engaging.

JIPA, Olyn CEO and the Oryn Order, tells Techcrunch that the company provides filmmakers equal to the full stream platform. “We offer all the Tech: From the DRM, Broadcasting, Broadcasting, the Full page to come to the File in the same way to appear on the Netflix or Apple TV, and all other tools such as GEO-intended, Analytics, and audio data. They promote their movie for PR, films, films, films, films, etc., “said.

Olyn also gives Filmmaker Analysics to the view, such as the movie is effective, as well as the minutes to be used, and user data from the movies. “Film of filmmakers can spend years making a film, but they do not meet or have all their audience. We therefore see this as a very strong tool.

The question is, Is Olyn unable to compete with the simplest and great dealers? While its model provides high quality spin revenue shares of filmmakers, and it means the weight is placed on the shoulders of the production and partnership.

Perry Traver, Rescuer In Restra Pow, used Olyn to distribute “Man Midas,” they see a platform as a practical step. “Olyn has enabled us to think across the traditional platforms, allowing it to our distribution support […] It is about empowering filmmakers to market and distribute the films in a way that indicates the success of the exact E-Commerce success […] It is an opportunity to keep control of our work and reinforce how movies have access to their spectators, “said the statement.

One of the most stressful problems in the film industry is a piracy. Many users turn to illegal sources simply because the movie is not available in their homeland. Jipa shows that Olyn’s land can help fight the matter, because if someone can pay a movie and then look at it, there are many opportunities to do that.

Oliyn Opay on part of the film appeared in part with a businessman and a film that the film had joined as the originator of the speaker, initially presented as a means of a catalog material. Wood introduced his film, “The last glaciers,” on stage.

The olyn group.

“The independent characters have taken us at financial risk to produce their own movies. But they felt too much to gain profits to understand their audience in the US market using Olyn, “he said.

The Wood hears Olyn can be better thought to be “shoppingy for filmmaker in a link to transfer.”

He noted a film in the UK Amazon in the UK finding 2,000 views a year. “So there are many films that get millions of views, but most films fall under a 2,000 comment sign,” add.

Major broadcasting services often offer a strong licensing agreement, which means the filmmakers receive a single-time pay no matter how often their film is viewed. Olynides with the head model by allowing film makers to use directly based.

“On Olyn, the filmmaker can still sell their rights on the US market and use that to support films, but then make money directly, says, Asia,” Wood.

But can the platform be used by the old film industry to disperse pornography?

Jipa agreed to the challenge: “Currently, this is not the tone that we want to set, and it will be easy to attract that section,” he said. “At first, we put the tone by ensuring that the films are installed on Olyn high quality.”

“But for a long time, we intend to create a space where the filmmakers, not the platform, decided what we were distributed,” added. “We do not want to act like gates. Our view will allow the filmmakers to control their best, eventually moved to the full SAAS model.”

Olyn has only been raised only a small amount – the total of $ 2.8 million – $ 1.8 million from the US VC Firm Knaya and many angelic investors.

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