Normal Hospital: Drew kills Monica

A general hospital The robbers indicate that Dorew Quartemaine (Cameron Machison) in Warkpath and playing uncleanness in his family, and is his independence to kill Monica Quarmaine (Leslie Charleson)?
Tracy Quartemaine’s and Monica Quartemaine’s Deply Bond at General Hospital
You know, no secure that Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot and Monica Quartemaine (Leslement Charleson) have had their best assignment over the years A general hospitalBut deep down, at the moment in their lives, you know, Tracy and Mimon and Mimon have a deep respect. They love each other. And they are in the best place.
For a while now, Tracy has been admitting that anyone does not want to boast or offend Monica in any way because her life is weak. That is why the whole disgrace with Michael Corninthos’ wife (Chad Deell), Willow Tait (Kalyn Mactellen), from Tracy, was very worried about the result.
Not to say that at the same time, Michael had nearly died in this explosion in Nonny Corinthos’ (Maurice Benard). And he was rushed to Germany for treatment to all his third-level Turn. All of that is Monica pressure. It was then why Tracy was banned at Donw down at the quartermaine edge.
Shortly afterwards, Drew was beaten, injured, shocked when he continued to reach Monica to cover it over Tracy, but Monica did not take her calls. And he seemed to be completely good for the tracy with a quartermaine property. Monica also was in the Board and supported Tracy which would like to keep Michael’s children in the news.
Therefore, you know, Monica likes her grandchildren, and Tracy wanted to spend much time with them as much as possible. Tracy knocked on his new Beteie, Stella Henry (Vernee Watson, how difficult it will be when Monica passes, so they put everything up.
Actions of malicious quartemaine and potential impact on Monica’s hospital health hospitalization
Currently, Drews are completely out of railroads. You are trying to stick to the tracy. And being justice, he raised DREW by receiving a court order to prevent the quartermaine. But despite the tracy and playing dirty, it is possible for Dead’s actions.
And his oppression causes Monica. I mean, sadly, Famine Followers know that the death of his character is coming. And maybe you’re coming soon because his exposure, Leslie Charleson, didn’t burn that past. The Monica’s character, if you don’t remember, died on January 12 of 12 this year.
He was 79, almost 50 A general hospital. I mean, Gosh, I just remember watching when I’m a kid. He knows, his cause of death was revealed that he was the result of painful brain damage. And that was less than some of some measuring issues. Leslie had had a very difficult time around. He used a wheelchair, using the Walker.
And we know that he was opened for a long time before he died, who had just received one in a series of falling a few years after he had been injured his life.
Already, the A general hospital Showrunners will write Mimonican Quartermaine character. They will not be able to retaliate. That comes out of the question. The fans will be completely irritated. Therefore, no matter how they do Monica’s character will come out as part of the death of death.
And the way things go to DRW, it looks like Monica’s movement can be caused by his drama and the chaos that we engage. His lawyer, Martin Gray (Michael in Knight), helps to wake pot.
Quartemae Family Crypt The debate: Walking “Slimy” Hospital in General Hospital
CEW QUARTEMAINE recently had a quartema property to look at the country and found that the Quartermaine family Crypt is in the community. And it was illegally taken by Edward Quartemaine (Stuart Damon). Therefore, Drew Martin Gray makes a little less movement.
They have a court order to move Crypt and the remains inside it. And that includes Tracy, Edward and Lila Quartemaine, and his brother, Alaan Quartemaine (Stuart Damon), Monica’s husband. You know, this is down, or drew, and Tracy was angry.
In his apartment, he knocked a tool from the hand of the shoe, called it a attack. And Tracy was bound, but that wouldn’t give up. He told Drew who betrayed everyone and wounded Monica, who had received her home when she showed, you know, a few few years back.
Tracy came and told Drew to leave port Charles. But the attacked back reminded Tracy that he had been a family sheep. Everyone wanted to be visited in one place, and said it could also be. It was announced that you are quartermaine and you will find his way.
Finally, the Mayor Laura Spencer (Genie Francis) is guaranteed to pull the cost from Tracy because they will not pay for him good. It’s not just opts good politically. Martin painted Laura Up, so it ended up, and the war was far away, however, usually, often The hospital.
Then it was told Martin You will break Tracy. And you are willing to find that Q’s return to her, but it seems that there is no way to happen.

Monica’s delicate life and the coming threat of Dyew’s actions
Tracy called Him a Grifter and said that he did not use the quartermaine family name or motivate his parents to their last resting place. Drew became bad. And this is absolutely suffering, I think, it can be a point of throwing a monica of his last life and kills him.
If it is broken and keeps ripping away from the family, Monica may die with a broken heart. Dewen tries to move Alan’s remains and other people’s remains to Monica dear. And refer to the family is too much.
The shock of what is made can be very good, Monica went into a shock or other governing medical problem. I mean, we know the global hospital strength should write Leslie Charleson’s character at another time. And it has been a while, so my guess will come soon, maybe it can sweep.
Drew seen a source of critical suspicion of Monica’s death. And if found guilty or family, you think you are, Drew will be hated forever, not just a whole family, but many people in Port Charles and more A general hospital Because Monica was such a heritage there.
If Drews grow Antics who oppress Monica Dee, he was more hated than people were ever. Sadly, Monica’s story should end. And when they were always completely and made him very bad a day, I could see them make the cause of his death.
We’ll have to wait and see, but as GH wants to be a heavy huge man, he knows, to blame Monica at his door, it may be like a walk.
Designed acts of Drew and cleanliness
Drew Quartemaine is already brightly brightly and Willow and Michael for doing that. And then now it stirs the Willow and the kids with her, so she has no lot of fall. But if it is drawn to Monica, that is about his arrival. And I don’t think anyone in Port Charles would ever see him exactly the same.
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