USA News

Kristi Neem removes a barrier of the process on the road to home security guarantee

Gov’s appointment. KIHI NEM, RS.D. Home Security Secretary has caused an important obstacle to a confirmation program on Friday night, passed to the last vote later this weekend this weekend.

His vindication vote is expected to be done in Sunday morning.

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The South Dikhana Neem is being served during the local security committee and government issues regarding the appointment of Home Security Secretary, Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, Jan. 17, 2025. (GETTY photographs)

When confirmed, Noem will be the fourth of the President Donald Trump to be released in Senate, after the Secretary of the country Marco Rubio, CIA Director John Rattcliffe and the coming Security secretary Pete HegSeth.

The votes are soon expected after Noem are the appointments of Treasurer Scott and Bent, followed by transport secretary Pick Sean Duffy.

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The new secretary Marco Rubio has ordered the department to start taking some steps in accordance with Trump’s instructions. (Reuters)

The South Dikhota emperor is expected to receive two sides in the verification of the Department of Home Security (DHS). His appointment came out of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) by 13-2 votes. Only two democrats voted against her.

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“I was the first emperor to send the troops to National Guard in Texas during a border district,” Noem told the committee during his confirmation last week.

“If confirmed as Secretary, I will ensure that our special, unusual agents monitor the borders with all the resources and resources and support they need to perform their functions effectively.”

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