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Namibia’s Sami Nujma died in 95

His father, Daniel, Toni Nejoma, and his mother, Mesana-Helvi to the[pass]day. As a boy, Mr Nujoma said in his memoir, putting family cattle and goats, holding a baby on his back to free his mother to work in the fields.

For moderate-level, Mr Njoma is moved at the age of 17 in Walvis Bay, where he worked in the Regional School and a cleaning station before cleaning Windhoek in the train system. After hours, he learned English at night at school. In 1956, he married Topoldine Katjamne. They had three sons, and the daughter of the 18 months. Mr Najoma was in exile then and unable to go to his funeral, wrote, because the police would be arrested.

In the late 1950s, as the independence of Ghana from Britain was a freedom of freedom from many Africans, Mr Nujoma was associated with the foretold organizations, especially Ovambond human society. He left the exile in 1960 with his role in protests that opposed the removal of black people in one coated in another. In 1966, his organization began working in the first armed warfare of the armed war. Over the years, thousands of Namibia are young joining insurgents levels.

South Africa sought to reduce its battle in Swapo as a low dispute, but that accepted its growing commitment to military forces. “Despite the majority of the South African years over 20,” said Bernard E. Trainor, a July, 1988, “the power of Namibia, now approximately 8,000.”

The traditions of Uplapo soldiers, who are independent of the familiarity of Namibia sent to supporting Congo President, Laurent, 1998 and set the improvement in northwestern Caprivi in ​​1999.

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