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Microsoft’s New Macana 1 Processor Can Change Quantum Computing

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Microsoft investigators announced the construction of the original “topological quits” on the device storing the general state of the story, in any major quaantum computing success.

At the same time, researchers publish paper naturally and “road map” for other tasks. MajorTana’s design 1 The processor must be worthy of a million QUGITS, which is not enough to see many important quantum computing purposes and cryptographic drugs and new drugs immediately.

If Microsoft’s Fruits’s Pan Eling, the Company may have blasting rivals such as IBM and Google, which seem to lead to the quantum computer construction.

However, peers paper only displays part of what researchers who have said, and the road map still includes many problems that should be overcome. While Microsoft’s releases Press displays something called Quantum Computing Hardware, we do not have any independent verification of what can do. However, news from Microsoft is very promising.

Now you probably have some questions. What is the quot of topological? What is the QUT at all, with that story? And why do people want quantum computers in the first place?

Quantum Bits is hard to build

Quantum computers first dreamed in the 1980s. When a standard computer saves information on bits, the quantum computer stores information about Quantem Bits – or club.

The standard little can have a total of 0 or 1, but quantum bit (due to the rules of the Quantum Mechanics, dominating the smallest particles) may have both composite. If you think of common as a arrow that can point to or down, the quet is a arrow that may identify in any way (or what is called “the so-called” down “.

This means that the quantum computer will be more promptly than a regular computer computer computer – especially some should be created by the codes that are not open and imitate the environment.

So far, it is very good. But it turns out that the construction of the real quot and detection of their information is very difficult, because working with an external person can destroy the zealous provinces inside.

The investigators have tried many different technologies to make quots, using items such as atoms trapped in electrical fields or eddies in the current swellings fields.

Small strings and strange particles

Microsoft has taken a very different way to build “religious barriers.” They have used the so-called majornata, is decorated for the first time in 1937 by Typorke Majortana.

Majratanas are not natural particles such as electron or protons. Instead, there are only within a rare form of superconductor (requiring material shape and should be challenged at the lowest temperatures).

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