Mayor Dan Carter’s statement on the Province’s announcement to address Ontario’s homelessness, mental health and addictions crisis.

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OSHAWA, Ontario, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter issued the following statement in response to Prime Minister Ford’s December 12, 2024 press conference announcing the Province’s investment and plans to improve municipal law enforcement and police services to address homelessness, mental health and addiction issues. for Ontario:
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With this announcement, I hope that together we can move forward to address Ontario’s homelessness, mental health and addiction issues and provide compassionate and safe services to those most at risk.
This announcement marks an important step to provide individuals in need of safe shelter and ongoing care and to ensure that our parks and public spaces are safe for everyone.
Oshawa is a strong and resilient city, defined by our compassion and commitment to supporting each other through our challenges. As winter sets in, the reality of the camps and their harsh conditions is a sad reminder that more needs to be done to ensure that everyone in our community has safe and stable housing. The truth is that camping is not safe, and this announcement of funding and improved law enforcement will help save lives.
The City of Oshawa is committed to supporting our most vulnerable residents, while prioritizing the safety and well-being of everyone in our public spaces. Oshawa has led the way in new programs and services that provide real-time support for those experiencing homelessness.
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As a collaborative partner, the City has been key in helping to advance new programs offered by the Region, including championing the Oshawa Micro-Homes Project, Durham Region Street Outreach Program (24/7), Primary Care Outreach Program (7 days). per week), and the Mental Health Outreach Program.
The City is also supporting the County in revitalizing two public housing projects in Oshawa with more than 500 units combined and its plans to redevelop the former Ritson Public School to include mixed-use, sustainable housing and community programs.
While the County is responsible for social services, shelters, public housing, public health and police services, the City provides more than $3 million annually to address health and safety to support residents and businesses through:
- support for our downtown businesses with additional lighting, security, graffiti and trash removal;
- daily street and street cleaning in the city;
- daily cleaning of business entrances facing streets in the city;
- assistance to private property owners by removing drug facilities;
- introducing new opportunities for urban entrepreneurs to apply for Community Development Program grants for safety and security;
- park monitoring and cleaning of trails and parks throughout the city;
- increased 24/7 monitoring of the city by Municipal Law Enforcement and Business Security Officers; and,
- Oshawa Fire’s new specialized Rapid Response Unit is joined by 20 other firefighters to support a quick and effective response to overdose calls.
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We have done all we can at the municipal level, but the scale of this humanitarian crisis requires significant action and investment from the State and Government. This announcement is an important step in addressing the complex issues of mental health and addictions in communities across Ontario.
As Mayor, I have advocated for a 24/7 psychiatric and addictions hospital urgent care clinic in our city. This will provide the right care at the right time to relieve pressure on our emergency departments and first responders while also ensuring we are better equipped to deliver responsive and comprehensive care to those in crisis. I requested $40 million in provincial funding for mental health and addictions in Oshawa and emphasized the urgency for agencies and governments to work together to focus on safe and compassionate recovery programs with a continuum of integrated care with wraparound support.
With this announcement, we have shown that we are working together and committed to helping the most vulnerable in our communities. This investment and legislation will provide the foundation to start connecting more people to the care they need, when they need it, while ensuring our parks and public spaces are safe for everyone. We will have the foundation and tools to begin transitioning people living in unsafe spaces to treatment programs and recovery beds and supportive housing with the surrounding services and care they deserve.
Media Contact:
Dan Carter
Mayor, City of Oshawa
905-436-5611; [email protected]
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