Opening Hearts The Heart Reaching OC Judge who shot the wife

He sat outside his hill Anahim Home with his hands and was dragged in behind, Jeffrey Ferguson moved and cried. He bragged about the splendor of the past, to put the gutter behind the bars, and wept that his son would hate him forever.
It was aug. 3, 2023, and Ferguson at the age of 72 had survived his wife after the night of drinking too much alcohol. They were in the family room, watching the last season to “break the wrong,” and he had beat one cycle from his head .40 – The hand of the full view of their 22-year-old son, Phillip. The bullet was intervening in the middle of Sheryl Ferrgen, went out of the back, passing through the seat after he sat on the wall.
Now, Ferguson sat on a short road without while emergency struggles – and they failed – to save his life. The officials poured his packs, and one of them asked: “What is your work, sir?”
There was a short time for a long time, and Ferguson sighed before answering.
“I am the Judge of the Supreme Court.”
Exchanging, held on the police metal, a higher Orange County Course was played in Santa Ana, where Ferguson, now 74 charges, standing on a charge of murder. His protective lawyers argued that Ferguson shot dead his wife, but they quarreled.
Ferguson, a prosecutor for a long time before he was a judge, had permission to hide – bearing and “a great gun, orange County Dist. Atty. Seton Hunt told Jurors in his first statement on Wednesday. Ferguson kept his deduction left in Velcro Ankle Holster and put on the whole place “unless he was beating or sleeping,” Hunt said.
During the shooting, Ferguson had alcoholic lying grass in the blood of the .17 blood.
Prosecutor Teton Hunt told Judoors that Judge Jeffrey Ferguso ‘was a great experience’ with firearms and lived in his Glock in Velcro Ankle Holster.
(Frederick M. Brown / Poli Photo With AP)
“I killed him. The ladies and the jury ladies, they have wrong my ass. “I owe my son. … I didn’t get rid of my way.”
UPhillip Ferguson, indodana oyibonile lo msongo, wafakaza ngoLwesithathu ukuthi ubeseya eyunivesithi yaseningizimu yeWeseli ngo-2023, kodwa wayesekhaya nabazali bakhe e-Anaheim Hills lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo lelo hlobo.
He said they knew that his parents were arguing, and sometimes they got into a wedding when his father drinks, but he did not remember that they fought so much. Also, he said: Have you ever seen his Father and make violence in the past.
But on that night, witnessing to Phillip Ferguson, her parents were a heated argument, the conflict started at home and continued for dinner at the EL’s restaurant, where her father showed its fingerprints in her environment.
The dispute suddenly arrived home and watching “breaking” in the family room, at some point at a time and heard her mother say, “Why don’t you show me a real gun?”
Phillip Ferguson said he turned his dad and expanded the gun and shot his mother.
“I jump or go up to the edge of the bed when I grabbed my father’s wrist for me to pound on the ground,” testifying. “When I jumped on the bed, I heard him saying, ‘You shot me.’
The son is 911 and makes breast pressures in his mother until he arrived. He said he was living with his Father now when the shooting and repairing their relationship.
He said before being shot, his father would take him to shooting and teach him gun safety. He remembered his Father’s courses: “Always point to a safe place. Never point to your gun to destroying it. And never put your finger on a trigger unless you intend to use a weapon.”

The Los Angeles Court Judge Eleanor Hunter could cease Ferguson’s case because of his fellow judges in Orange County Superior Superior Court and participate.
(Frederick M. Brown / Poli Photo With AP)
Ferguson’s defense attorneys have left their right to the original statement, and remarks how they will make a case that the shootings were dangerous. Doing so may require the respondent to witness. That would be dangerous, in part because the Los Angeles Judge Eleanor Hunter, the Orange County judges, warn Fercuson that he can be tested in his pre-dealings.
Last year, Hunter ruled that Ferguson finish alcohol while waiting for trial – the violation of his bail conditions – the lying was lying about it. He released his claim that his Certisol Cream use, not alcohol, made his Ankle Monitor, and doubled his bail for $ 2 million.
“You lied during the previous listening when he said it was Cortisol that puts your bracelet,” the judge told him to listen to this week. It was the ‘show’ and ‘ripe with the opposite test,’ said the judge.
Cameron Tazley Defense Advocate said that asked would be “amazing prejudice may need to be badly done.”
When it appeared, Tally said Ferguson had a chairman and bullet, and kept in his accommodation, the truth that seemed to ride a judge.
“In his dwelling room, yet?” she asked.
“Yes, your praise,” said Talley.
Ferguson, who had been in a Fullerton Court before his arrest, continues to pay for his annual income of more than $ 220,000 and other means, but he does not understand cases.
Minutes after being shot, as shown in the Officer Officer Camera video, Ferguson sat outside his camera at Canyon Vista Drive, and asked police again and again, did his wife have repeatedly.

“I owe my son. … I didn’t leave it on my way,” Ferguson told the shared police officer on his murder case.
(DaVarganes of Damian / Associated Press)
“I never had my bad dreams I think I will stay here in front of my house in the stories,” he said.
The officer asked how long he was Judge.
“Nine years,” Ferguson said.
And before this?
“I was a circuit command for 32 years,” said the judge. He criticized for prosecuting Mexican MEFIA members, a group of criminals; and a group of vagos.
“And I’m here now, like them, after all this,” he said. “My son hates me. … my boy.”
In addition to half an hour after being shot, a police officer informed Ferguson that his wife was dead. Ferguson said he wanted his son to hit him in his face.
“I deserve you. … What are you going to do now?” He said.
Before he was paid into the group courtyard, Ferguson had another thought of police.
“You people were slowly late, in a way,” he said. “Not that your fault.”
Evidence is expected to continue on Monday.
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